January 10, 2022

My Rule of Life for the start of 2022 by Martina Keast

 My Rule of Life for the start of 2022:

It is unlikely that we will deepen our relationship with God in a casual or haphazard manner. There will be a need for some intentional commitment and reorganization in our own lives. William O Paulsell. (Thompson, 2014, p. 149)


Marjorie Thompson defines a rule of life as a “pattern of spiritual disciplines that provides structure and direction for growth in holiness.” A rule of life considers first of all spiritual practices that draw us into “an integrated orientation toward God including our deeper attention; attuned senses; less perception; choice of attitudes, and habits of thoughts, speech, and action.” (Thompson, 2014, p. 150)

In 2016, I wrote my first rule of life as part of a seminary assignment’s Spiritual Project. Through prayer and listening with my inner ears, I found inner harmony and coherence, knowing that in this state, I will choose wisely, following the voice of the Lord. I surrendered to Him and decided to study, practice Sabbath, and cease certain habits as my focus. I did not follow my rational mind because I know it always has a list of to-dos; some may be entirely unimportant or unnecessary for the time being. They might be time wasters and take me off God’s course.

For this blog, I am asking God what He is asking me to write about, my daily responsibilities, and what I am doing about my spiritual development. Again, I am not going by my rational mind, which has plans, purposes, and timelines it thinks are vital. I listen to the Lord, using the 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice. See (Virkler 2010) or learn more about it here: https://www.cluschoolofthespirit.com/courses/hearing-gods-voice/.

Adele Ahlberg Calhoun, in the Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices that Transform us, gives nine sample rules for life: Dedicate every day (in the morning) for the glory of God, confess my sins before I go to bed, worship the Lord alone and with others, practice the presence of God, don’t hold grudges—forgive others, eat sensibly, pray for others, see my spiritual director once a month, and give all wandering thoughts to my Savior. (Calhoun, 2015, p. 39)

I read my Bible almost every morning, journal, participate in a weekly Spiritual Life Circle and see my Spiritual Director(s) nearly every month. I will check in with God to see if He has any additional plans for me this upcoming year or something He would want me to drop.

What is God inviting me to write this year?

1.      After some prayer and listening to the Lord, I commit myself to writing five blogs for Inscribe Writers Online, January, May, June, July, and October 2022.

2.      I am open to submitting one previously written paper to a Journal of Theology and Ministry, due March 2022.

3.      I will complete my third doctoral course, The Power of Kingdom Emotions.

What are my daily responsibilities?

The past few months have been incredibly challenging. I went through another difficult season and, my responsibilities changed due to another move—again.

My daily responsibilities are to rest (sleep, knit, or crochet) to look after my physical body, soul, and spirit.

I look for employment that suits my skills and my calling.

I create ecological expressive art which heals me from the inside out.

Most of all, I express my gratitude, love, and friendship.


What am I doing about my spiritual development?

I read my Bible every morning. I journal daily, on good days at least three pages. I meet with my Spirit Life Circle Group every Wednesday. Then there are daily conversations with God (prayer) and two-way journaling.

I followed through on facilitating the pilot study group for a course called Evil Lurking: From Electric Chair to Kingdom Grace. I wrote this fictitious story about a community impacted by Childhood Sexual Abuse. I hope to release the book and workbook by summer 2022. This Christian Ethics project develops my ability to forgive.

I have the privilege of living in the country, where I experience silence, solitude, and refreshing moments when a deer, moose, or porcupine show up. There are times where I shovel snow in the fresh air, appreciating I have a body that moves and can work.

I listen to relaxing spirit-filled worship music, and I still sing from a worshipful heart.


~ Martina Keast

Martina Keast MTS, GCSICA, COCM.

Mother to three beautiful girls, Nicole 41, twins Shanon and Sharon 38, Mother-in-Law to Bob and Rick, Oma to four boys, Dylan 21, Joseph 19,  Braedon 10, and Taylen, 7

Child of God, lifelong student, author, singer/ songwriter, producer, course creator, YouTuber, Expressive Art Practitioner, recovery group facilitator. 

Director of Elim Oasis of Inner Healing. 



  1. Dear Martina, this opening quote couldn't be more true. You've demonstrated the positive power of the following words through this powerful post: "It is unlikely that we will deepen our relationship with God in a casual or haphazard manner."

    I'm a lover of nature and journal time too. Thank you for inspiring me to get outside today and worship our Creator while I'm there.

    Blessings for 2022 ~ Wendy Mac

    1. I am happy to be an inspiration for walks in nature. Thank you, for sharing.

  2. I am very grateful to the Inscribe community for giving me the blogging opportunity to step out by faith. Thank you also those those who offer feedback. It helps me have a sense of belonging. Gratefully, Martina Keast

    1. I found this very inspiring, Martina. I especially loved the emphasis on the practices of "gratitude, love and friendship". Thank you and may God bless you richly!

    2. Thank you, for your reply. Blessings to you as well. :)

  3. Thanks for this in-depth discussion of God's invitations to you this year. I too loved your initial quote. Your link to 4 keys to hearing God's voice is really helpful!

    1. Thank you, Sandi. I am looking back to my previous blogs and am happy and encouraged to find so many comments. It makes for a great day. Blessings to you.

  4. Thank you for sharing from your heart Martina.

  5. Do we really want to hear from God? Any time he spoke to people, they ended up in trouble. But we know that he's with us even in the worst of straights. I listen to my Bible cassettes each morning. That starts my day off nice. Studying his Word is the true way to hear him.

    1. Thank you, for your reply. We definitely can't go wrong listening and studying the Word of God. I wish you a blessed day.

  6. Casual and haphazard doesn't really get us anywhere, does it? Martina, I have also enjoyed the teachings of Mark Virkler and found them helpful on so many occasions. As you listen for His voice, I pray you ears to hear and a heart to receive all He has for you in 2022. May grace abound...

    1. Thanks so much Brenda. I appreciate your reply. I receive your prayer.

  7. Thanks for this open and honest post, Martina. Lots to consider.

    1. Sharon, I appreciate the freedom to express "my unique voice," (Tracy Kraus) It helps me to receive feedback. Thank you, for taking time out of day to share with me.


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