January 02, 2022


Photo by Karen on Unsplash

Into the Unknown, With Hope by Marcia Lee Laycock

Into the Unknown, With Hope

None of us knows what will happen a year from now, or a month from now, or even tomorrow. Circumstances can hit at any moment and bowl us over like the proverbial pins we love to knock down for amusement. Sometimes it can seem like there’s a celestial bowling game going on and we are all the brunt of it.

A friend woke up on New Year’s Day to find their basement flooded and water spewing out of a split pipe. A young woman carrying twins is told to abort one because they cannot both survive. A community is wiped out by fire while another shudders under an abnormal deep freeze. Wars erupt and millions die of a virus that seems impossible to stop. If I did not believe there was a God beyond us who is in control of it all I would often be in despair. But then that young mom gives birth to those twins. A flower blooms unexpectedly in the desert that amazes all who see it. A man’s terminal cancer inexplicably disappears.

It is the safe arrival of those beautiful little babies, one of whom would not be alive but for a mother who said no, that keeps my head up and my heart soaring. And that single flower blooming in a far-off desert. And that father who is able to join his family for another Christmas dinner. And as long as there are such things in the world there is a will to go on, there is hope. As Sam Ganges said to Frodo when they were at the height of hopelessness – “… because there’s good in the world, and it’s worth fighting for.” That goodness spurs gratitude which lifts our eyes above our circumstances to the face of a loving God. That love ricochets through the universe, touching the hearts of those who are on the verge of giving up, as someone near them reaches out a hand to help them stand again.

After every natural disaster we hear of heroic deeds that are lauded through media around the world. The bravery and resilience and nobility of man is evident to all at such times and sometimes someone even wonders where such things come from. Beauty, nobility, creativity, heroism, pure unadulterated kindness. Are they sourced from the depths of mankind or from the depths of something, someone, beyond us?

As we launch into 2022 such questions bear pondering and answering. Some of us will frown and shake our heads because the answers seem unsearchable, unknowable. Some of us will smile because we’ve felt the love of a great and merciful God and seen His hand at work and known that He stands with us no matter what circumstances befall us. We smile because we can know where the nobility and kindness come from; we can know this God who is the source of it all.

As we launch into 2022 perhaps the only resolution we should have is to get to know Him even more as we take yet another step into the unknown, with hope.



Visit Marcia's website



  1. Dear Marcia, I appreciate the hope in your post. The story about the mother of twins reminded me of a similar story where the doctors were wrong, and a mother chose life for her only child.(Who turned out to be perfect in health.) Thank you for the encouragement to trust that God will bring us to the other side of these uncertain times.
    Blessings for 2022 ~ Wendy Mac

  2. I loved you examples of hope and courage--especially of the twins who survived. Thanks for your focus on Hope--it's been a major theme for me this Christmas and New Year. And I totally agree that the key point to hope "is to get to know Him even more as we take yet another step into the unknown..." God bless you this coming year!

  3. thank you for this reminders. God bless

  4. Thanks for your comments ladies!

  5. I totally agree, At times, what seems like a setback becomes providentally wonderful. It's like the time I missed my bus home and had to sleep at a friend's place. I met a lady in the cafeteria and happened to mention I needed a new place to rent. She happened to have a suite available. Thanks to missing that bus, I didn't have a lunch packed so I went to the cafeteria to eat. May we all experience God's providential blessing that way.

  6. We can never instill too much hope into our world. Thanks, Marcia, and may your year be blessed in every way.

  7. 'Into the unknown, with hope'. Oh yes! A lovely post, Marcia. Thank you.


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