January 20, 2022

Four Words for 2022 - Gloria Guest

 This year I feel that God had given me four words for the journey through 2022:





There is a lot packed into those four words; 

I loved the word, ‘light’ as it suggests that some darkness, which I have known for too long, will dissipate. I have spent a lot of time in my past working on some very hard areas in my life and so the promise of the word, ‘light’ feels rewarding and welcome to me. I can’t wait to find out what God wants to show me in the light. One area of light that recently revealed itself in my writing life came in the way of some inspiration as to who I could ask to illustrate a small booklet, about a poem I wrote about Saskatchewan. It’s long been on my mind; and there she was, illuminated in my mind as the perfect person. Personally, God revealed to me some words that were spoken to me regarding friendship that I needed to break off of my life. I’m looking forward to God shining His light on new friendships this year.

Psalm 18:28 “You, Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.”

On the other hand, I shrank from the word, ‘mountain.’ It sounded grueling and like more hard work coming my way. I’m sure that there probably is. Yet I have climbed mountains before in my life and was never alone. God has always been there. He’s taught me already that it’s one step at a time. Perhaps that is why He led me to buy a life journal to keep me motivated along the way. It’s definitely part of my ‘climbing kit’ and I’ll be looking for other tools as well, with the comfort that comes straight from His word, the best there is.


Ps 121:1-2 “I life up my eyes to the mountains-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

The word, ‘forgiveness’ also seems daunting; yet I wasn’t surprised as God had already been leading me to learn more about what true forgiveness is and isn’t. Forgiveness has been hard for me. Great hurt can produce great pain and great resentment. These things aren’t as easily dealt with as many Christians would have us believe. But through some trauma healing, I find myself at a better place to consider how forgiveness can be a bigger part of my daily life. I look forward to moving forward in life without the baggage of unforgiveness weighing me down.


Luke 23: 34 “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

The last word, ‘redemption,’ came to me through a quiz I took, through Hallmark cards online. I answered a few personal questions about where I was at in my emotional and spiritual life and that is the word it gave me for 2022. I found it intriguing. I still haven’t looked it up definition-wise, but I do know that it is about being bought back; being forgiven and renewed; both of which. I think this word might end up proving the most rewarding and exciting of my year.

Lamentations 3:57-58 “You came near when I called you, and you said, “Do not fear. You, Lord, took up my case; you redeemed my life.”

What direction will God lead me in my personal and writing life as I unpack those four words He has given me? I just know that in the next months that God wants to lead me into the light; He has a mountain for me to climb, (which will include that tough word, forgiveness) but not alone. I’ll be with Him in the climbing and maybe by the end of the year there will even be a glorious summit, where I will meet that beautiful word, ‘redemption.’

Gloria Guest lives in Caron, Sk. where she writes and blogs. She is a past reporter/columnist and has published a few other personal pieces, with a work in progress. She also takes editing classes from Simon Fraser University, working towards an Editing Certificate.


  1. Dear Gloria, what an intriguing post and four words God has given you. I'm especially interested in hearing how helpful the journal is as a "climbing tool."

    Journaling is a serenity saver in my life.

    Blessings as you follow where your four words take you in 2022 ~ Wendy Mac

  2. That's good about your 4 words, Gloria. All I get is a number. 1970 was a tough year for me. I went from the unwanted shelter of a blind school into the cold wind of freedom at public school.I'm retired now and it feels like I'm at loose ends. Neither do I want to write anymore. Retirement is a big change for people. Even so, I like the freedom of governmental supervision I now have.

  3. This was so interesting. The word 'mountain' had me scratching my head until i read what you wrote about it and it is beautiful! Every scripture you chose also fits so perfectly. All the best to you.

  4. I like how you tied all your words together. I’m anticipating a good year for you too Gloria, as the Lord shines His light on you. “May He make His face shine upon you, and give you peace” Numbers.

  5. I loved what you shared with us, Gloria, about the words given to you for this new year along with a bit of their meaning to you personally. I join with Pam in speaking those words from Numbers to you: May He make His face shine upon you, and give you peace. Best blessings... Brenda

  6. Hi Gloria! I always enjoy your posts. I am happy for you in knowing you are in a, "better place," and moving forward. I found your line, "I look forward to moving forward in life without the baggage of unforgiveness weighing me down," poignant and uplifting. Blessings to you on your journey through 2022.

  7. Gloria, I love the idea of a 'climbing kit.' I think we could all use one of those. May God grant you peace and joy this year as you travel through your four words.

  8. Thank you for all the kind and thoughtful comments :) It's encouraging to see how others read into what I write.

  9. Thanks for sharing your heart, Gloria. Yes, the challenges the Lord gives us seem like mountains to climb. But He has given you words of encouragement that bless us, too. God bless you in your four words for this year!

  10. Thanks for sharing, Gloria. Forgiveness can be a tough road but is incredibly freeing. Hope we will be able to hear how your journey goes along the way and if I can help to hold you up in prayer, please let me know.


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