September 15, 2021

Pray the Word - A Mighty Weapon! by Tracy Krauss

Just the other day I was feeling discouraged because of the climate of dissension that has overtaken our lives. Frankly, I am appalled when I see people--even Christians--arguing over topics that in my view are not eternal. For some reason, normally caring and reasonable folks feel justified in using hurtful words and behaviour, emboldened by a societal shift that mistakes rudeness for boldness. Then I turned to Isaiah and read, "You shall be called the repairer of the breach; the restorer of streets to dwell in." (Isaiah 58: 12) 

I remembered that we, as believers should be bridging the gap, not making the divide wider. I am reminded of the adage--although dated--WWJD? We need this reminder now more than ever. 

Which isn't really the point of my post, but a good illustration nonetheless. When I don't know how to pray or even what to pray, I go to the Word. Paul's letters, the Psalms, the book of Isaiah... these are great places to start when the heavy burden to pray feels like more than I can bear. 

God has equipped us with many tools, especially when it comes to defeating the enemy of our souls. I am heartened every time I think about the fact that the devil MUST flee when we wield our spiritual weapons. Prayer is among them, as is using scripture, and when we combine the two, extraordinary things happen!

Tracy Krauss lives in Northern BC. She is serving out her term as InScribe's President. Visit her website: for more.


  1. Amen, dear Tracy, to your words: " ... we, as believers should be bridging the gap, not making the divide wider."
    Paul's writings have much to encourage charity among believers. We're not to draw attention to unimportant differences. Small stuff should remain small. The world is watching.
    Blessings, dear sister. 🕊️

    1. Thanks Wendy. And yes, the world is watching. Unfortunately in some cases, what they see isn't very Christ-like... but rather than be discouraged, we must continue to pray!

    2. So true about unchristlike behaviour. I had to unfriend a Christian because he figured his understanding of the Bible was perfect. I sure tire of people who get so prideful.

  2. Tracy, thank you for this timely word. I love the verse you share from Isaiah 58 - it's well underlined in my own Bible: "to be called the repairer of the breach; the restorer of streets to dwell in." That's our job! Thank you for this reminder of what I desire of my own life, especially as we live in these troubling times. For me, something else that so often bubbles up from my heart: "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight."

  3. Thank you for drawing our attention to this wonderful verse, Tracy. "You shall be called the repairer of the breach; the restorer of streets to dwell in." (Isaiah 58: 12). There seems to be so much to repair these days. The world is showing what it does best. We, on the other hand, have been given a call to let people know there is a better, yes better, way to live. Blessing to you, Tracy. I pray God's richest blessings for you as you as you transition into another adventure.

  4. Thanks for sharing how praying the Word is an effective tool for prayer--and assures us that we're praying according to God's desires. It lends weight to the verse you cited, that doing so, we would repair and restore what God intends.


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