September 13, 2021

Powerful Prayer by Wendy L. Macdonald

 Recently, I had an over-the-moon answer to prayer. It prompted one of the most intense praise and worship happy dances I’ve ever done. Save for when I got married, for when God healed me of eating disorders, and when He opened my barren womb, I haven’t been so excited about an answered prayer as I was about this one. But before I share the answer with you, I want to talk about powerful prayer.

What makes one prayer more powerful than another?

I believe a three-strand prayer is irresistible to God

When we weave passion, purpose, and petition together, our hope isn’t easily broken. If our passion is to please and glorify God, if our heart is focused on His purpose being fulfilled in our life, and if our petitions are humbly submitted with the understanding He will open and close doors according to what’s best, we can’t lose. We will have peace whatever happens because we’ll believe and rest in the serenity of His wisdom being played out in His answers to our prayers.

I’m lousy at guessing what God’s up to. So lousy. I waded through the slough of infertility for a dozen years of tears. A few months after I told God, “I choose to trust You,” I got pregnant again and didn’t miscarry that time.

I’m not saying the three-strand prayer is a formula for getting what we prayed for. I’m saying it’s a win-win petition that brings us peace while we wait. When we submit our passions and desires for His purposes, He is able to do amazing things because we walked in obedience and relinquished our will to God. It’s wise and fruitful to exchange our will for His will. And because we chose to trust, we’re nestled against God’s chest and are comforted immeasurably if we find out our prayer wasn’t answered in the way we had hoped.

God knows best.

He sees into the future and knows what we need to be fruitful and blessed.

Now for my exciting answer to prayer: In my June InScribe post, I asked for prayer: “I covet a prayer or two as I attempt to complete my proposal on time. I’m almost done. Thank you from the bottom of this writer’s heart.”

I did complete my proposal on time. Oh my, it wasn’t easy. But I believe in the project. Although I’d had the idea for several years, my passion for it hadn’t waned. My problem is: I’m not a leader. I’m a follower. I adore being led by a person of integrity. This is why I haven’t attempted self-publishing. I wanted a literary agent who believed in me—who leadeth me. I craved to have someone choose me because I’ve never been good at choosing friends, never mind a “business partner.” My best friends are the ones who chose me. They are the forever friends God blessed me with.

And that’s what happened with my book proposal. I entered it in the book hook contest, and although it was shortlisted but didn’t win the final round, it did win me a contract for representation. On August 20th, I discovered it won the attention of a godly and talented literary agent who also happens to be an award-winning author. I’m so pleased and blessed to be represented by now Cynthia Ruchti of Books & Such literary agency. I’m over the stars grateful God answers powerful prayers. 

Now I need to keep praying I complete the project in the way God and my agent desire it to be done. I also need to grow my platform and newsletter subscriber list to an impressive-to-publishers level. My work has only just begun. But you know who. God

The following Bible verse was the one my husband and I put on our wedding invitations for August 19, 1983. (It seems appropriate to share it here too.):   

Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4 NIV

I’m nosy-to-know what you’ve noticed to be the most powerful way for you to pray?

Blessings ~ Wendy Mac       

 PS If you enjoyed my from-the-heart inspiration, please consider subscribing to my monthly email newsletter here: Wendy’s Newsletter.  


  1. Oh Wendy! I am so excited for you! This is WONDERFUL news! Congratulations. I love the idea of a three-strand prayer... I never really thought of it that way before. Blessings to you!

    1. Thank you, dear Tracy. More and more I'm realizing praying is the most important work we do.
      Wendy Mac 🕊️

  2. We also can be honest with God about how we feel. Some people would condemn us for praying like that but God understands.

    I try to pray prayers which are for God's glory and others edification. Thanks to the Father's provision, I'm doing well.

    1. Yes, Bruce, I agree it's acceptable to God to share our feelings with Him.
      King David sure did. The Psalms is the rollercoaster section of the Bible.
      Wendy Mac 🕊️

  3. Wendy, that is very exciting! I think most of us have dreamt of having someone choose our project. I hope you have many more happy dances to come! Blessings!

    1. Thank you, dear Jocelyn. I'm grateful I didn't give up and miss the chance to dance. I'm leaning into His power and grace to complete this project. It's a topic I need and love to write about.
      Blessings as you keep your dancing shoes warmed up. 🕊️✍️📚

  4. "I’m not saying the three-strand prayer is a formula for getting what we prayed for. I’m saying it’s a win-win petition that brings us peace while we wait."

    Amen, Wendy. I was indefinitely single and longed for a child. God gave me a husband, whom I married at 42, and a beautiful step-daughter. Then I struggled with infertility. It did not end in pregnancy and birth, but surrender did lead to peace, which opened me to see other ways God wanted to use my mothering impulses. God's ways are not our ways, God's thoughts are not our thoughts. If our prayers are only clamouring demands, we will never be quiet enough to receive his direction.

    1. Such wisdom you have shared here, dear Colleen. Such wisdom. Your testimony is powerful. The peace of God is more precious than any answered prayer. That's what I'm learning again and again.
      Thank you for confirming this. Thank you for sharing.
      Blessings - Wendy Mac 🕊️💌

  5. Christine Smith9:47 am GMT-7

    Such exciting news! Congratulations! I have been reflecting on your three strand prayer for a few days. I have never heard of that combination before and am looking forward to trying it! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you, dear Christine.
      Blessings as you continue to ask God to open the doors that are according to His loving will for you. 💌

  6. Passion, purpose, humble submission. Thanks for your great three-strand prayers, Wendy. And congratulations on your book proposal and contract!!

    1. Thank you, dear Sandi. The chapter I'm working on in my project right now is about the power of prayer. It's exciting to work on something I love while also being encouraged and strengthened in my faith. I'm praying it blesses the readers too. :)


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