December 27, 2020

Christmas Joy by Lorilee Guenter

 Since the very first Christmas morning music has been part of the season. The shepherds witnessed an angel chorus proclaiming the Good News. They responded immediately and went to check what the angels had told them. Our songs capture this story as they encapsulate the same Good News that the angels proclaimed, "The Lord is come!"

Likewise, music has been part of my Christmas season for as long as I can remember. Everywhere you go, Christmas music is heard. Stores play it in an attempt to elevate the mood of shoppers. Old favorites are pulled out for our church services and on the radio. These are joined by newer songs that encourage us to pause and reflect on the older familiar words.

This year, as I reflect, I find myself wondering why we save favorites like "Joy to the World" only for the Advent and Christmas season. The Good News we echo from the angels should permeate all of our life, not only one or two months each year. Every day, we need to prepare Him room or, in the words of another song, ask, "Is there room in your heart for Him?" It is a question I have been reflecting on as part of this season. What have I been making room for?

I mourn the loss of family gatherings, of sharing food and laughter, of hugs and the hum of conversations. I miss the Christmas parties with friends. There are many things this year that we have lost. But amidst the losses, I have found more time to reflect and consider the words of my favorite songs of the season. Songs that are full of story and wonder. Songs that echo the words of the angels: "I bring you good news of great joy that shall be for all the people." Luke 2:10.

As we move from 2020 into the unknown of 2021, I hope I don't lose these lessons I am learning. Maybe I'll even continue to sing, off key and with great joy, my favorite songs that proclaim, "The Saviour reigns!"


  1. So true about singing some of the carols all year long. thanks for the reminder and the encouragement! 'See' you in 2021!

  2. Thanks for a very appropriate conclusion to this month's theme and a send-off to 2021 as you remind us to keep singing of our Saviour all year long.

  3. Time to pause and reflect and realize the meaning of the Christmas carols is true all year. Great reminders.

  4. The Christmas Story, when God gave His Son to the world, is huge in God’s plan. I can identify with your love of the Christmas songs and the memories we have about these songs. But what you say in your third paragraph really strikes a chord with me, Lorilee.

    "The Good News we echo from the angels should permeate all of our life, not only one or two months each year. Every day, we need to prepare Him room. . .” Amen!


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