November 28, 2020

My Idea of a Joyful Noise - Bruce Atchison

I'll admit it up front. I'm not a good musician. Even so, I had fun dabbling in electronic and experimental music. 

I must have done something right because program hosts in Moscow, Warsaw, Trondheim, and Paris figured my music was good enough to air. Even the CBC played one of my compositions and paid me a hefty royalty cheque.

Though my keyboard skills aren't up to professional standard, I worked diligently on each piece. I layered each instrument's sound on my multi-track machine in the way I felt worked best.

I also made chrome cassette copies of my music from the mix VHS tape. I could have skimped on the quality by using regular cassettes but I wanted the clearest sound possible. When I bought a new computer with a CD-R burner, I made my own disks for sale and to send to radio stations.

The Apostle Paul certainly understood the value of making use of our talents. Romans 12:6-8 (Bible in Basic English) does encourage us to use our talents. "And having different qualities by reason of the grace given to us, such as the quality of a prophet, let it be made use of in relation to the measure of our faith; Or the position of a Deacon of the church, let a man give himself to it; or he who has the power of teaching, let him make use of it; He who has the power of comforting, let him do so; he who gives, let him give freely; he who has the power of ruling, let him do it with a serious mind; he who has mercy on others, let it be with joy."

And as Proverbs 11:27 (BBE) says, "He who, with all his heart, goes after what is good is searching for grace; but he who is looking for trouble will get it.

Now some might say that my music was a vain waste of time. Even so, I knew that God used my compositions to bring disparate non Christians into my life. And as Isaiah 55:2 (BBE) says, so I modeled good Christian conduct in the hope it brought folks to salvation. "Why do you give your money for what is not bread, and the fruit of your work for what will not give you pleasure? Give ear to me, so that your food may be good, and you may have the best in full measure."

Even today, my music videos are on YouTube for all to see and hear.


  1. Wow! who knew?! I listened to some of your tracks on Youtube, Bruce and i have to say they go well with the recent Sci-fi piece I've been writing as part of my Nanowrimo project!

    1. How awesome. Thanks for the complement. I love science fiction.

  2. And you were a security guard, too! You looked great in the uniform, but my you have had a lot of odd and hilarious happenings in your life.

    1. Thanks. Too bad my three memoirs didn't sell well. Deliverance from Jericho was filled with boyish mischief. "The Toilet Paper Caper" sure was one night of hilarity until our supervisor spoiled our fun.

  3. That's wonderful, Bruce! Music is never a waste of time. It brings a lot of joy and healing to people. I wish I were musically gifted.

    1. Thanks. Music has always been a part of my life. From the twang of country music pouring out of my mom's radio to the avant garde sounds of Karlheinz Stockhausen, I've had a rich soundtrack to my life. By the way, I attended a dinner theatre play of "Footloose." I got extra chocolate cake for mentioning "Hungry Like The Wolf" by Duran Duran. I knew my 80s music while the rest of the seniors sat there out of touch with it.

  4. You’re multi-talented and are using your gifts for the Lord!


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