November 14, 2020

2020: The Results of Abiding in Jesus by Ruth L. Snyder

 At the beginning of 2020, I chose "Abide" as my keyword. None of us have any way of knowing what a year holds when we step across the threshold into January and beyond. Most years have challenges, but 2020 has been more difficult than usual with the spread of COVID-19. I have found that when I abide in Jesus and trust in Him, I have peace, contentment, and everything else I need. In John 16:33 Jesus told his disciples, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

This year I was supposed to do several things that didn't happen:

  • Speak at an international women's conference in Edmonton
  • Go on a mission trip with one of my sons to Mexico
  • Go on a cruise with one of my Christian writing friends
In some ways, I felt like I was cheated. However, I also know that God does not make any mistakes, and I believe He works everything together for our good (Romans 8:28).

Throughout my life, God has taught me to focus on the positive rather than the negative, and to change what I have control over rather than wishing things were different. I believe this is part of abiding...resting, trusting, relying on God.

This year abiding in Jesus has brought many positive results. I can look back at 2020 with a smile because God has allowed me to experience many blessings.
  • My son, Jayson, did graduate from high school, even if his graduation ceremony was not what was expected. (He wasn't sure he wanted to dress up and be on display anyway!)
  • Our family has been content and happy through all the challenges of COVID-19, even my son who struggles with mental illness. I know this is not true for other families.
  • Our family was able to get financing approved and purchase a beautiful home near Moose Lake where we are able to enjoy seeing deer in our yard. (We only had about six weeks between the day we made an offer to purchase until the closing date to get everything in place.)

  • Our family continued to receive consistent, quality service for our children with disabilities when other families were told no service was available.
  • I was able to present a workshop at the virtual InScribe Fall Conference.
  • Our contract with PDD to support my twins was renewed at the same rate as last year. Unfortunately, other families had their contract hours cut.
  • I was also able to speak and present a workshop for the Born to Soar virtual conference.
  • So far our family has been healthy.
I know there may still be difficult days ahead. Maybe we haven't seen the worst of COVID-19 yet. Perhaps we will face illness or death. However, I also know that God knows the future and will walk through it with me and my family.

What about you? Have you found positive things to focus on during 2020?


  1. Abide is such a great word to choose. I think we all need to keep that one in mind...

    1. Thanks, Tracy
      Abide has definitely been a great word for me this year!

  2. Very well said Ruth. One positive thing in my life is that I moved to Alberta and am closer to my girls. I love my home and feel content and at peace staying home during this Pandemic. God is good..

    1. Addy,
      I'm so glad you are able to be closer to your girls, and that you have peace and contentment in your home.

  3. Thanks for your reminder that, though Covid denied us some of our plans, God brought many positive results. God is always at work, and I see many of His blessings and surprises that came to me this year.

    1. Sandi,
      I'm glad that you are also seeing many of God's blessings and surprises you received this year!

  4. Thank you, Ruth, for your beautiful testimony of how you are “abiding. . . resting, trusting, relying" on God, and how he is leading and directing you toward greater benefits. Because of Covid, you may have had to put some of your plans on hold, but God certainly did work everything for good for you and your family.”

    One of my friends, passed this post to me--you may have seen it: “This is not the year to get everything you want. This is the year to appreciate everything you have.” Your home looks lovely from the outside. From what I’ve seen virtually on the inside, like your office, it too looks sunny and cheerful. I have never been to Moose Lake, but I gather from your photos it is a place where you can appreciate God’s green earth, his blue waters, and his creatures great and small.

  5. Sharon,
    Thanks for sharing that quote with me! It's a great reminder.
    Yes, I am very blessed and very thankful. May you continue to celebrate and appreciate everything you have. I know this year has been difficult for you in many ways. Big virtual hugs :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Ruth, what a timely choice of a word for the year - "Abide." Abiding is a significant way to build resiliency. Staying attached to the source - Jesus - allows his grace and love to sustain us and make us fruitful even in drought times.


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