April 25, 2020

Waiting.....By Sharon Heagy

What a wacky world we are living in right now. It all seems so surreal, like we are in some weird post apocalyptic movie. And here on the farm the world is also upside down as we are completing our fall harvest in the spring.

We have been waiting. Waiting since the 22 of October when the weather turned. Waiting all winter long. Hope would surge in our hearts each time the sun would shine and the snow would melt and conditions improved to the point of “We will try it tomorrow”. But every time we were on the cusp of combining, the clouds would roll in with more snow, and the waiting cycle would begin again. Finally, the day arrived, and we are able to slip and slide around the field to reap the grain that is a little worse for wear but still with enough quality to provide a little income. It was worth the wait.

The Bible is full of waiting. Noah, waiting for the flood waters to recede. Joseph waiting for vindication and for his dreams to come to pass. David waiting to become king. The disciples, waiting in confusion for the resurrection and then waiting yet again for the arrival of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. And when His people wait, the Lord always proves faithful. And when they do not, it proves to be disastrous.

Consider Saul, who, instead of waiting for the Lord, took matters into his own hands and lost his kingdom. (I Samuel 13) And what about the prodigal son who couldn’t wait to receive his inheritance and ended up eating pig slop. (Luke 15) Isaiah tells us that those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles; they will run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31)

Now we are all waiting. Waiting to move forward into whatever shape the world will take post pandemic pandemonium. But we need not be confused or anxious or impatient as we wait. This virus is no surprise to God and he will get us through it if we wait on Him. We have the Holy Spirit within us to guide us and teach us and comfort us. I read a quotation the other day that struck a chord with me. It was written by a fellow blogger who goes by the title ‘teamd2d; “God is not asking you to figure it out. God is asking you to trust that He already has.”

God knows. He knows the beginning from the end and every moment in between. We just have to trust and wait. While we are waiting we can do a couple of important things of to pass the time.

1. We can spend time with God. Lean in and get close. Listen. Talk. Have a conversation. Sing. Read the word. Meditate. Grow. Let Him hold us in His righteous right hand. Cuddle with the King. Embrace the Father instead of fear.

2. Reach out. To neighbours, friends, family. Fill the needs. Walk the walk. “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9) There is a harvest on the way.

3. Support our spiritual siblings. Brothers and Sisters in Christ. We can be the encourager, the prayer warrior, a shoulder to cry on. Let the Holy Spirit flow through us to provide comfort and care. Be available.

And wait. “Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14) In the end, we may emerge a little worse for wear but emerge we will, and, because God always has a plan, it will be worth the wait.


  1. Your tips are spot on, Sharon. thanks for this thought provoking post. I grew up in Sask so I remember some years when farmers had to combine in the spring... We really do need to rely on God and His timing in everything, don't we?

  2. I have a feeling we are waiting for something Good.

  3. Thank you, Sharon, for your perspective on waiting. I'm so often reminded of the thought you quoted: “God is not asking you to figure it out. God is asking you to trust that He already has.”

  4. This is so true, Sharon. There are so many ways of looking at this pandemic and waiting for something worthwhile is a good perspective, especially when we know that it will be worth the wait like you said! I like your tips and the bible characters you shared. I especially thought of how Saul didn’t wait and what a disaster. What a good reminder Sharon! And I’m so glad you finally got your crops off! ❤️😊


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