April 22, 2020

Awakenings of a Deroche Spring Morning by Alan Anderson

“From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD'S name is to be praised (Psalm 113:3).”

My wife, Terry, and I live in gorgeous British Columbia in an area known as the Fraser Valley. We live in a small community called, Deroche. We love living here. Farmland, mountains, and the mighty Fraser River surround Deroche. There are evergreen and deciduous trees as far as the eye can see

This morning (April 10, 2020) I climb out of bed with a specific purpose in mind. Around six-thirty I dress, grab my camera, and head for the dike. The dike is a five-minute walk from where my wife and I live. My purpose for rising early is to snap a few shots of sunrise. The dike follows the meander of the Dewdney Slough, our nearby local water body.

This is a gorgeous time of the year on the dike. In fact, there is no time of the year on the dike that isn’t gorgeous. Spring has its own unique splendour and beauty in this part of the Fraser Valley. I never tire of living in this area. I walk the dike for a few minutes until I pause. Sights that remind me this is a time of awakenings favour my eyes.

Deciduous trees awaken from slumber, shake off the cold of winter, and bud. The grass now stands upright after months of lying low on the ground. I see ducks and Canada geese floating in the slough without a care in the world (well, perhaps except for eagles in the area). The surrounding mountains stand unmoved as the protectors of the Valley. Their usual evergreen attire is always in fashion.

I walk a few metres more then it happens. The sun arises and greets the morning. I am aware of the songs of many types of birds. I see my buddies the robins. Not too far away a few pesky starlings let their presence known. Black-capped Chickadees join in the chorus to welcome the sun. The sun is in fact, the star of the morning.

I hold my camera steady and wait for the right moment. The sun is an expert tease. The glow becomes brighter as I wait. As if all of a sudden God’s morning star pulls out all the stops to nature’s chorus of glee. My brief glare into the sun’s brightness draws a view of molten gold to my mind. I am awakened from awe to an overwhelmed desire to put my camera into action.

I am terrified for a moment I may have missed a magnificent shot. I click my camera, and it captures a moment of glory. Creation sings to God in the morning and now my eyes, mind, heart, and camera hold His praises close.

I walk home at a slow pace as if I never want the moment to end. I open my porch door and enter my house. The oven clock tells me it is just a few minutes after seven o'clock. Wow, all that excitement, glory, and praise in less than an hour. The awakenings of a Deroche spring morning are an experience to behold. Perhaps one day you will join me!



  1. I was right with you on your walk Alan! And is it okay to be bit envious? God has me planted where I am but gosh, as a nature photographer too, I long to daily be in His glory where rivers flow just steps away, and mountains loom in the distance, and deciduous trees of many types surround, and birds of prey fly over head. Maybe one day but thank you for taking me on your journey today.

    1. Hi Lynn! Thank you for the "envious" comment. :) I take most of my photos for my posts etc. not far from home. Terry and I have lived here for a number of years now and love it. Without exaggeration every morning is different from the day before as far as beauty goes. Yes, maybe one day you can come out and snap photos to your heart's content.

  2. The picture you paint is just stunning, Alan! You have really captured the beauty of the sunrise here.

    1. Thank you, Tracy. I love this area beyond measure. My favourite time of year is between Nove and Feb. when the eagles hang out for a few months. I love taking photos of them.

  3. I love this: Creation sings to God in the morning and now my eyes, mind, heart, and camera hold His praises close. Beautiful post, Alan. Thank you!

    1. Hi Kathleen!Thank you for taking time to comment. Yes indeed, my mind is constantly blown when I see either sunrise or sunset and everything in between. This is a beautiful place to live. :)

  4. Thank you for taking us on a walk with you in your beautiful village! It was a good way to rest and join you in praising the Lord for His creation.

  5. Hi Pam! I'm glad you came along. :) I went for a walk yesterday morning and watched Canada geese chasing each other. They can sure splash a lot of water.

  6. Amen! And smells of spring are so wonderful. I love the scent of poplar tree leaves when they come out of their buds. Oh to bottle that scent and have it as an air freshener.


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