April 13, 2020

Hero of the Gap by Wendy L. Macdonald

Something someone didn’t do startled me while I was out for a walk on April 1. After dinner that day, my husband suggested we go for an evening stroll around our neighborhood. Because of the urgency of all of us on this globe needing to physically distance ourselves during the COVID-19 pandemic, I was on high alert when we left the relative safety of our home and property.

Thankfully, there’s rarely anyone else out walking when we are. As we walked down the sidewalk, I enjoyed the warmth of the sunshine on my back and the cheerful sight of daffodils and grape hyacinths blooming alongside each other under an evergreen hedge we passed by.

All was well on our refreshing walk.

And then, as we turned to our left to go up a hill, a young fellow—who probably wasn’t quite old enough to drive—walked towards us. We automatically did what we always do during this scary season, we pulled off the sidewalk and walked on the road to make room for the teenager. What happened next alarmed me—alarmed us.

But before I carry on with that story, I want to talk about spring for a bit. Spring is a season of contrasts for me. When I consider it, I always see images of life and death together. The decaying leaves from the previous year and the verdant life of the new season remind me of the redemption story.

From the grave of decay rose the One who can save.

There’s no forgiveness of sin without the blood of the Risen One. Just as in nature, new life depends on the death of the old life.

Jesus replied, "Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again." John 3:3 NIV

Now back to the sidewalk. While my husband and I stepped away from the sidewalk, the young man continued to walk straight down the center of it. He made no attempt to make room for us. He made no attempt to social distance himself from us even though there was a six-foot wide strip of lawn he could have stepped onto. Instead, we had to step farther onto the road while hoping no traffic suddenly sprang out of nowhere.

Wow, just wow. It’s one thing to disrespect your elders, but it’s a whole other blatant ball game to do it during a pandemic.

The contrast between what this young man didn’t do and what Jesus did do couldn’t be starker. While the teenager didn’t consider our lives, and didn’t provide a safe gap for us to walk through, Jesus self-sacrificially considered all lives as He closed the gap between sinners and a holy God. Jesus gave all so that we wouldn’t have to face a hopeless death.

Jesus is the Hero of the gap.

Our death will be the brief winter before spring. While our bodies decay, our souls will sprout like daffodil bulbs and bloom glorious under the Risen Son. Forever.

And so, dear ones who forget or neglect to stand aside during this pandemic, I pray that you too may know the power of Christ’s resurrection through repentance and salvation. For God doesn’t delight in the death of the lost, He delights in contrasts—in new life springing from the decay of winter.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 NIV  

May we take every opportunity to use the not-so-nice moments to fuel our prayers rather than fume and stare.   ðŸ˜Š

Thankfully, most people are abiding by Dr. Bonnie Henry’s health guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic. She’s British Columbia’s beloved hero right now. We all need to continue acting like heroes if we want to get to the other side of this dangerous season sooner than later.

I’m nosy-to-know if your region, province, or state has a hero helping you obey the health guidelines during this pandemic?


  1. Dr. D Hinshaw has been very poised during all her pandemic updates in Alberta! A nurse friend of mine recently said she doesn't see the health workers as 'heroes' or even front-line workers. They are the last resort when the army is sick or injured. The army, the front-line, are the people following the guidelines in this case. So, we really are all heroes when we help by obeying the guidelines! And yes, may we see the new life being born through the contrasts as Jesus called us to life through His death!

    1. Yes to these words of yours, dear Lynn: "So, we really are all heroes when we help by obeying the guidelines!" :)

  2. There are people who just aren't taking it that seriously, I guess. Perhaps he thought, "They've already moved so I don't have to...". Whatever the case, I, too, am so grateful for Jesus ultimate sacrifice. Dr Bonnie has such a calming voice and tone that I think that is also part of her charm. Who could feel anxious when she delivers news - even alarming ness - in such a manner? Perhaps that is also a lesson to all of us! Love the Oh Canada banner, too!

    1. Amen to these words of yours, dear Tracy: "Perhaps that is also a lesson to all of us!"
      Gentleness is one of the Fruits of the Spirit. :)
      Someone hung this banner on a fence that overlooks a church parking lot.

  3. In your blog, Wendy, the following statement stands out to me: "May we take every opportunity to use the not-so-nice moments to fuel our prayers rather than fume and stare.” This put me in mind of the disrespect and hatred shown to Jesus by those who resented his power and popularity among the people. He had done nothing wrong and yet he was disrespected and treated with cruelty.

    I think of Christ's plea for forgiveness for all who had contributed to his being crucified. “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

    This young fellow’s disrespect was more about him and where he was coming from, where he was in his life, than it was about you and your husband. You are right, Wendy. He may well be in need of your prayers and your forgiveness. Thanks you, Wendy. This is good reminder for all of us.

    1. Thank you, dear Sharon, for the reminder Jesus forgave in the midst of suffering.
      How tall or short we love and pray for our enemies reveals how deep or shallow our faith is.
      I can't live out grace on my own strength. I'm grateful for God's grace. Always.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac


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