It is very interesting to see how so many people are using ZOOM, Facetime or other technologies to keep in touch - perhaps now more than they did pre-Covid 19.
Your InScribe family is also here to connect with you! Many of you already take advantage of these benefits of membership, but in case you haven't please see below!
Ways to connect within InScribe:
Facebook Group
Ask to join our InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship Members Group -
Join in the conversation, and keep abreast of upcoming events. Keep in mind that this is a members only group so make sure your membership is up to date!
Facebook Page
What’s the difference between a group and a page? Groups are meant as a place for interaction among members – a place for people to ask questions and comment, while pages are often more focused on announcements etc. and are moderated by the ‘owners’. Both are good places to find out about what is happening in InScribe. Our page can be found here: InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship -
InSide InScribe
Periodically, we will be sending out a newsletter called InSide InScribe. It’s another way to stay in tune with what is happening in terms of events, contests, and other news of interest. Please check your email inbox as well as your spam folder. Recently, we sent a poll to members asking how you would respond to a virtual conference. We want to know, so make sure you take the time to give your feedback! it is important to us! As well, we are using this platform to deliver the pdf version FellowScript magazine - now available to ALL members!
Yahoo Group or ‘Listserv’
Join the ‘listserv’! New members are sent an invitation so that they can join our ‘yahoo’ email group. This is one place to share writing-related resources, ask questions, share good news, or anything else writing related. We also make important announcements such as upcoming contests, contest winners, upcoming events and so on. (If you want to participate in the Word Challenges, you will want to join this group!)
Writing Groups & Writing Buddies
Many writing groups meet across the country and some ar even hosting online meetings during this time of physical distancing. For a complete list of groups check the website. Interested in a 'one-on-one' writing buddy and encourager? Again, find out how to sign up for this benefit of membership on our website.
If you are feeling alone, reach out to someone today!
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