April 21, 2020

Grateful Despite Spring's Tease - Tracy Krauss

Spring has been taking it's sweet time around these parts! While it's sunny out today, we got snow just the last week! While flowers are blooming elsewhere, that ain't happenin' here in northern BC!

However, spring can still bloom in our hearts. I am so thankful for the warmth and care of family and friends. I have two more grandbabies on the way (we'll be up to seven by the end of 2020!) and I am blessed to have all four of my children live within a short driving distance. (Not that that is doing me much good these days, with physical distancing!) 

I am grateful for a job. With so many out of work, I am basically carrying on as usual since I already worked from home as an online teacher consultant. As well, my husband has been working non-stop these past several weeks. He normally is away for two weeks at a time and lives in a camp, but he will be gone for a record nine weeks by the time he returns home in May. His employer made the decision to keep its employees in one place for an extended period rather than have them coming and going. Although living as a single person is not my favourite thing, we are grateful that he has been able to work and that we can talk or video call each other every night. 

I am grateful for health and relative freedom from pain. As many of you know, I was hospitalized in January for two weeks with recurring heart issues. I was pretty much home bound afterwards even before Covid 19 hit, but I have learned to listen to my body and have been able to get out walking and carrying on in a fairly normal fashion thanks to modern pharmaceuticals and a bit of stubbornness. I'm grateful that I was able to get all of that sorted out before restrictions on medications came into effect. 

I am also grateful for all this wonderful time I have on my hands to pursue my varied interests. Writing, sewing, painting, playing the piano... and I've even started learning a second language through Rosetta Stone! I decided it was time to quit procrastinating or using my age as an excuse. As my 87 year old friend Jacqueline used to say, "Age is irrelevant!" She climbed mountains, travelled, and tried new things - all while looking very stylish I might add - never frumpy - right up until the day she died. 

Yes, there is much to be thankful for, even if spring is teasing us here. I thank the Lord everyday for another day to worship Him!

Tracy Krauss is currently serving as InScribe's president and writes from her home in Northern BC. https://tracykrauss.com  -fiction on the edge without crossing the line-


  1. Love your grateful heart, Tracy. I love what your friend says, too. My aunt was the same. Still stylin' in her 90's! Better than I do today!

    1. She was a believer that there was never an excuse to 'let yourself go' so to speak! Very inspiring

  2. Love this Tracy. Yes we have so very much to be thankful for! I’m thankful for you too and how you’ve been able to enjoy so many interests during this time. We had snow here too on Sunday but today the sun is shining. Time for a walk!

  3. Thank you, Tracy, for this blast of--I want to say, Chutzpah, but I mean that in the nicest way. Please don’t be offended. I think some of your elderly friend's style, daring and determination rubbled off on you. Or did you always have it? :-)

    1. I hate to admit that I am 'vain' in that way, but I've always been interested in fashion and don't see a reason NOT to put my best foot forward. Perhaps that is just one reason why we connected so well. She was living proof that a jaunty little barret and a scarf could elevate even the bulkiest winter jacket! Loved her so much... More importantly, she loved Jesus with all her heart.


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