April 08, 2020

A Time of Rest By Vickie Stam

I can build a relationship with fear faster than a plane can take flight or I can let it develop slowly and more methodical. Either way, God doesn't want me to fear.

God knows how vulnerable people are in the midst of a crisis. He wants us to lean on Him.   

Psalm 56:3 "When I am afraid, I put my trust                                                       in you." NIV  

This past winter, my husband and I were snow-birding in Florida. Life down south was moving along at a busy pace when the coronavirus broke. Conflict and confusion arrived right behind it. People everywhere were talking about it including Tony and I. It's an automatic response to a crisis.

Do we go home right now? Are we safer here? Do we drive? Do we fly? What do we do? The questions mounted. Our friends opinions were divided. Some were adamant that they were staying while others were planning to leave ASAP and after days of listening to the news I felt my level of fear building. Suddenly, I too wanted to go home.          

A few days later we packed up the truck and drove our usual route on the I-75 north. The highway was quieter than normal. The rest areas were less than sociable. People seldom made eye contact. Whispers among people traveling together were barely audible. No one touched the doors of the facilities and everyone kept their distance as advised. There was a blanket of truth in the air - an undeniable fear of catching Covid-19. The tendency during any crisis is to become all consumed by it and this was pretty obvious. 

As I am writing this we are now on day eleven of our isolation period back home in Ontario. I must admit that I feel more at peace, less fearful now that we are back in our native land. Seeing the world being dominated by this crisis has many of us on edge. In a time when we are forced to slow down, stay home and refrain from socializing we're finding life difficult. Many of us have devoted our lives to busyness. 

There are blessings in the storm, maybe not ones that we can see as of yet but we will. For some of us it leaves emotional scars that will need time to heal while others might be enjoying a much needed time to re-establish our family life.

Psalm 90:12 "Teach us to realize the brevity of life so that we may grow in wisdom."

The world feels different right now but God is still the same. God will take care of us. He will provide for us. We can use this time to draw closer to him and rest in him. Use this time for what is good. Notice what you have been missing in life. God wants us to depend on him. 

When I feel my circumstances spinning out of control I need to lean on God and trust that he will provide enough for today and tomorrow - trust that he has all my fears in the palm of his hands. 


  1. Your thought, "Many of us have devoted our lives to busyness," rings so true. It is something that many (most people) have had to face up to and adjust. I do believe that good can come out of any situation, so learning to slow down is probably one of those things. I am glad that you made it home safely. God bless.

  2. Thanks Tracy. We are all making adjustments during this time. God is good!


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