January 22, 2020

“Rest” For 2020 by Alan Anderson

Matthew 11: 28-29—Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

I don’t have a practice of choosing a verse or word for a particular year. I’m giving it a shot for 2020. My key word is, “rest.”

No sooner had the New Year 2020 started reality reminded me the world acts as it is accustomed. You and I are bombarded by all sorts of in your face disruption and mankind’s cruelty to each other. Tragedies like the Jan. 8 plane crash woke me up to the fact of great sadness all over the world.

I’m tired of it all. What is the answer to all this weariness, this reality of being “heavy laden?” Is there an answer? As a storyteller who is a Christian I know there is. There is only one answer and no other. The words of Christ noted at the beginning of this post offer the answer. To those who come to Him, He offers rest.

I admit the yoke of the world, its ways of life, can weigh me down. This yoke is too much and difficult to bear. These days with so much sin, confusion and disorder being tolerated, I want to fade away. My thoughts taunt me by saying I don’t feel safe and I don’t fit in. The temptation to find a place to run away can be inviting.

Matthew 11:28-29 speaks to me. The words call me back and remind me of my deep need. There is a place of safety, of rest, from the storms of life and calamities of our world. I need to remind myself of this gentle rest. I need rest found only in God. This rest is not found in the world. Coming to God is the only way. I know this is basic to our lives if we are Christians.

Years ago my family doctor suggested I relax more. I can’t say I listened and in 1997 I began two years of burnout and depression. This dark time caused me to reflect on what I did to myself to come to this time of burnout. I took on too much to please other people. I know I have considered this time in my life in another InScribe post or two. The thing is as I reflect on this even today I am still learning from it.

Years have gone by since my burnout and depression but I still need rest. This rest allows me to be calm and patient even in the midst of the agonies of the world and those I love. I’m not always successful in this. This takes self-discipline for me, as I’m prone to worry about my family and others. When my wife had cancer surgery two years ago I must say it robbed me of rest. She reminded me of her attitude rest is possible even in such circumstance.

From a personal perspective, I rest and lay aside from performing for people, in doing things I think will stand me in good stead with others. I try to be at peace with the people in my world who don’t always understand me. I try to be at peace with decisions I make regarding relationships with others, including family, friends, and strangers.

I have “come” to God through Jesus and I realize I am in the world but not of it. To embrace, and never let go of Christ’s yoke is rest. Like all Christians, I too am to be Christ-like. I am to show what “rest” looks like to the world. I can walk with Him in peace and rest.

Oh, God, help me show your rest to all I meet.



  1. Replies
    1. We are in this life together, Sandi. All glory to God for wisdom He gives us.

  2. Thanks for this, Alan. Sharing it with a friend who needs to hear this today.

    1. Thank you, Susan. I hope your friend is not struggling in life. If so, may God help her or him rest.

  3. By your words and the depth of your honesty I felt a sense of Rest being poured out to those who are reading this. Your word of Rest urges me to take a deep breath, pause and be still. Thank you!

    1. Hi Denise. We can float away by the strong tide of our culture we live in. We need this gracious yoke of Christ for without it we perish. Thank you for taking the time to comment. Bless you my friend.

  4. Such a timely piece, Alan. We all are in need of REST - especially the kind that comes from God no matter what else is happening. I really like the photo you used, too. Did Terri take it?

    1. Hi Tracy. I've found even as a "retired" guy I can let life get away from you. After a while one can be tired of trying to keep up. I'm so happy we are in this life together. We can help each other to move in step with how God wants us. Yes, Terry took the photo of me. Our daughter, Shons, snapped the one of Terry and I one week after her cancer surgery. We needed time just to be together.

  5. A timely post for me, Alan. This may not be my word for the year, but it is certainly my word for today (with a short break in my schedule) and almost certainly for the next short while as exhaustion creeps in. It has been a busy, busy January (last six months, for that matter) and I am constantly trying to balance what needs to be done in our current situation and honouring the fact that I am not a machine. Thank you for this reminder to slow down and be able to show others, my family and friends, of the value and benefits of learning to rest in Him.

    1. Hi, Sally. I've been thinking about you since we chatted at the conference. Yes, exhaustion indeed may creep in and cause us to crumple. Balance in life is needed, my friend. Terry and I pray for you and Jeff everyday. As you say you are not a machine. I'm always here for you, Sally.

  6. Wel Saïd Alan. It struck me that God gives it all to us, if we’re willing to accept it: clarity, peace, rest and all the other words we can think of to glorify God.

    1. You are right, Addy. God is our ever present help. Lord help us rest in You.

  7. It's good to remind ourselves and others that we can only find true rest in Jesus. A great contemplative post. Rest well, my friend. ♥

    1. Hi Glynis. Believe it or not, I've needed to slow down and rest. In know you and Gilles may be in need of rest since you moved. I hope once you have the house like you wnt it you will take time to enjoy rest.

  8. Alan, I sure can relate to being tempted to run and find a place to hide. But, like you, I'm glad I stayed in God's plans for me because His arms are strong and kind. We learn a lot when we hide in Him instead.
    Blessings to you & Terri ~ Wendy Mac

    1. Hi Wendy. Yes, we are in this life together and we can relate to the journey we are on. We do not journey alone. I'm glad also you stayed on the journey. Thank you for the blessing, Wendy. 😊

  9. I’ve been struggling with anxiety and I need rest as well. Your words are such a good reminder for me and I love the verse you chose. That is powerful and such a necessary invitation from Christ to rest. I love that we can rest amidst life’s trials and troubles. I too want to run away and hide but the rest is found within like you said, as we take Christ’s yoke upon us.

    1. Hi Pam. I love we can encourage each other as we fac life. When I feel like running away I have to remind myself of something. Where would I run away? Our rest is only and forever in the One granting us His rest. Bless you, my friend. 😊

  10. Learning to rest in Him can be challenging in a world where busyness takes precedence and can be seen as the status quo! May your 2020 bring full of God's peace within, Alan!

  11. Hi Lynn. It has taken me a long time to resign myself to the fact our culture as a whole is lost. To most people rest is elusive. Many give in to the pervading negativism of our society including our politicians. As people of God's rest we must live like it. Blessings to you, Lynn.

  12. Alan, thank you for this post. REST is really just another word for TRUST isnt it?

    1. Hi Joy. Yes, to rest/trust is a great place to be as we walk through our lives.

  13. Hi Alan, it's been refreshing to read all the above comments and your replies. You certainly touched a nerve with so many, including me. Your thoughts also segue well into our February theme of finding refreshment. God bless you as you find rest and BE rather than focus on being active and DO things.

    1. Hi Sandi. Thank you for your encouraging comments. I look forward to the Feb. theme and what we all have to say about it.

  14. Rest is something we all need and some of us don't know to accomplish. This past summer I read a book with two other girlfriends called, Whispers of Rest and we really felt encouraged and challenged to rest. Thanks for such an enlightening post.

  15. Hi Vickie! How is Florida? In our western world we have worked hard at being "busy." Many seem to wear busyness like a badge of courage. Our high tech and fast paced society often times has to make a point of making time for rest. Sounds like the book you mention is a good one. Don't forget to rest, Vicke.

  16. Great post, Alan. Great because it's vulnerable and honest. Great because it's a story worth repeating. Rest and shalom to you.


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