January 17, 2020

In his Heart... by Lynn Dove

As most of my fellow InScribers know, 2019 was a battleground year for me.  Fighting endometrial (uterine) cancer, I finished my last radiation treatment on December 3rd, rejoicing in the fact I was cancer-free once again.  It was a long, and weary fight and I'm still trying to overcome some of the side effects associated with my treatments.  I had hoped to start the New Year, more or less, back to normal, but I have a new "normal" now, and it's taking me a little time to get used to it.  Doctor, and specialist appointments are already on my calendar.  I haven't committed myself to participate in any  extra activities because I never know how I will feel on any given day.  I used to plan well in advance, now I don't look further ahead than a week at a time.  Sometimes that gets shortened to a day at a time.  I know it's all part of the recovery phase I now find myself, but it does get frustrating, especially for my A-type personality, to be forced to rest when my heart says "RUN!"  It's that old adage of my mind is willing but my body is weak. 

On January 3rd, I joined our local recreation centre, determined to begin my fitness journey again.  I'm not a resolution person, but I feel it important to build up my stamina and try to stave off the aging process as much as possible.  I've got two "set in stone" calendar dates I cannot miss: my daughter's wedding on July 18th, and the 40th Anniversary of the Terry Fox Marathon of Hope run in Victoria, B.C., on September 20th.  I know the organizer of the head-shaving event, and I have been asked to be one of the guest speakers.  I have made my plans for those two special days, but I also know only too well that, "In his heart, a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."  Proverbs 16:9

That particular scripture verse has been my life verse.  I have gotten so used to the U-turns in life that I am no longer surprised by them.  2019 taught me that when a health crisis hits, all plans change, almost in an instance.  Nothing else takes precedence than fighting the battle.  Dates on the calendar are wiped clean, activities are cancelled or rescheduled. The idea is to trust God and allow Him to steer me through, around and over any of those unexpected life-changes I find myself.  God has never steered me wrong! 

My prayers are that 2020 will be filled with countless memory-making events, and that I will be strong and healthy to plan, and enjoy each and every one of them!

I have appreciated all your prayers for me last year, and ask that you continue to pray for me while I continue to recover.

Lynn Dove is the award-winning author, of the YA “Wounded Trilogy”- a contemporary Christian fiction series with coming-of-age themes.  A wife, mom, grandmother, and free-lance writer with articles published in several magazines and anthologies including Chicken Soup for the Soul books, her blog, “Journey Thoughts” is a Canadian Christian Writing Award winner.  Readers may connect with her on FacebookTwitter, and at lynndove.com   


  1. You continue to inspire with your positive attitude and tenacity. I will definitely continue to pray for you as you recover.

  2. May you continue to heal, Lynn, know that God's with you as you step into each day!

  3. Hi Lynn, when I read the phrase, I now find myself, which was imbedded in your thoughts, I had an aha moment for you and for me! Taking each day and letting it unfold is tough when you don't know what to expect. My heart goes out to you as you continue to heal. But do know that my prayer for you is that you find yourself, each day with new joy, with a day spread before you with a loving God.

  4. It's like what James wrote about the folly of claiming success in the future. We need to take things a day at a time and let the LORD do the driving. We also need to adapt to changes. I, for one, am enjoying interacting with people online.


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