January 31, 2020

January Guest post by Janice Mansell

My desire to write more widely has been encouraged by the InScribe writer's blogs this past year. As with stored up prayers and unshed tears, God's call on my life the past two years has been to seek Him for Himself, not asking or expecting rewards in return.

It seems its time for the ever jostling thoughts and experiences of life to be set free to help, challenge or encourage others. When I considered the challenge for this month to seek a word or Scripture to build on, I started praying for God's guidance in it. Almost immediately, the words ' Jesus wept' came to mind. I continued asking what to do with the idea.
The related thoughts kept coming and I trust my heart and mind are attuned to the message I received.

Jesus wept in John 11:35 at the tomb of Lazarus who had died.  Jesus was weeping because he felt the weight of death and grieved with the people. Those who witnessed this still didn't get the message Jesus is the resurrection and life when he subsequently brought Lazarus out of the tomb.

Jesus wept over Jerusalem in Matthew 23: 37 - 39 and the hardness of the hearts of the citizens of Jerusalem to His coming to dwell among them as Savior and Redeemer.
I have done my share of weeping over time, tears of loneliness, disappointment, discouragement and rejection of who  and what God very patiently is molding and refining me to be in His plan.

In the words of the song, He Washed My With Tears, that I might see ... the glory of Himself revealed to me.  I have learned that those tears could also be a sacrifice of Praise to Him, whatever the circumstance.

Over the years as I have learned to pray for others, God has graced me with measures of compassion, empathy, and letting the Love of Christ flow through me to bring relief, strength, safekeeping healing, deliverance and guidance to them in their lives.
So often when I look at others struggling to make sense of life the words of another song come to me . Jesus offers that we all can come ‘to the waters, stand by My side, I know you are thirsty, you won't be denied.' * This is the way of healing for their anguish and hopelessness.

I came across this verse in PsalmS 119:136 KJV the other day. "Streams of tears flow from my eyes for your law is not obeyed "

Time spent in intercessory prayer  can be exhausting, mentally, emotionally and physically when we intercede for others  with our whole heart. The spiritual Joy and Refreshment that remains when the burden is lifted and you know God hears and answers prayer in that person's life or situation is comforting  and eternally rewarding.  Revelation 5:8  KJV.
When our stored up prayers will be released into the lives of those we pray for, so that God continues to work in their lives, long after we are gone.

We then have assurance that God will continue to weave, behind the scenes, the tapestry of His will and provision in that person's life. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus wept again, as He interceded on His own behalf, He ended by praying 'Not My will, but Yours be done.'  Matthew 26: 36 - 46  KJV. So we must pray for each other, ourselves and our writing.
In Heaven, God promises to 'wipe away all the tears of our earthly travail and sorrows.  Revelation 21 : 4 - 6   Until that day, I pray I will strive to be worthy of continuing to seek God's intervention in others lives.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus and find us faithful to your calling on our lives.

*For Those Tears I Died by Marsha Steven

Janice Mansell has been writing for fifty years. She has come and gone from Inscribe since it originally started. A one time community correspondent she has spent the vast majority of her writing life chronicling the day to day, and memories.


  1. Thanks for these words of wisdom, Janice.

  2. What you say about intercessory prayer, Janice, is beautiful and powerful. I agree that intercessory prayer for others, taken seriously, can be mentally exhausting and emotionally draining. Then I think of the ones we are praying for, going through the fire at that time--be it mentally, physically, spiritually or emotionally. I think of Jesus sweating, “as it were" drops of blood in Gethsemane and still praying, “Not my will, but yours be done.”

    You offer a wonderful picture of “our stored up prayers (being released) into the lives of those we pray for, so that God continues to work in their lives, long after we are gone.” I am also struck by your summary: "We then have assurance that God will continue to weave, behind the scenes, the tapestry of His will and provision in that person's life.” How wonderful it is that God gives us the opportunity to pray for one another’s needs. We also are strengthened in faith by our prayers for others.

    Thanks for your contribution.


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