January 01, 2020

What is Your Key Verse or Word for 2020? – by Sandi Somers

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As we begin 2020, our writers will focus on their verse or word for the year, and what it means for themselves, their faith and their writing.
Image by Psychology Today

Before I explain my key words for 2020, I want to share with you what I discovered through my verse for last year. While working through interpersonal and situational issues, God gave me the verse, “Be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart” (Psalm 31:24).
I decided to be intentional in keeping this verse in mind. I began a new process of reviewing every month my experiences and growth. I summarized discoveries and scriptures to understand more clearly what God was doing in and through me.
Then towards the end of 2019, I read both my journal and summary notes. This was an important step, because in the rear-view mirror of the year, I discovered that God was doing a larger and deeper work in me. Patiently step by step, He guided me in ways I didn’t always see at the time. 
From There to Here: Discoveries
Receiving an instruction and a promise: My verse came in two parts—I was to work at becoming strong, and God promised to give me strength, wisdom, and insight. Throughout the year He also stepped in with many encouraging words and promises.
Waiting on God: It took time, concentrated prayer and journalling to discern what was askew and to absorb what God was teaching me. I needed to wait in God’s presence. God was working in me to develop my character and maturity, to sink my roots deeper into God, and to find Him in the broken places of my life. I was amazed to discover just how specific and detailed were God’s solutions, solutions that had previously eluded me.
Focusing on God instead of my worries: In October I visited persecuted believers in Egypt. They reminded me how important it is to look to Jesus. “The enemy wants us to live in fear,” one leader told our group. “We focus instead, not on the persecution, but on our Faithful Father.” They were enthusiastic about God’s vision for their lives and ministry and what God was doing, rather than their persecution. What a wonderful model for me!
Forgiveness: How well I remember David Jeremiah’s words, “Forgiveness is always our turn.” As an important component of developing strength, extending forgiveness to others is becoming part of my prayer time. It’s not always easy, but it’s necessary.
Intercession: I discovered deeper lessons in interceding for persons and situations, and appreciated how much the Spirit intercedes for us when we don’t know how to pray.
Helps to others: Towards the end of the year, others began asking me for advice in the particular areas I had struggled with. God does extend our struggles into ministry to others.
Gratitude:  I look back in gratitude for this year. I have seen God do what seemed impossible, and this leads me into my words for 2020: 
God is the Lord of the Impossible. 

Image by Quotefancy
These words come from Lloyd John Ogilvie who added, “The Lord constantly wants to surprise us with what he can do if we dare to risk, to accept his gift of faith and to leave the results to him.” [i] I pray to make this concept go deep into my life and writing.
I include with a prayer, which includes my prayer for you:
Dear Father, I invite you into my word or verse for the year. I long to accomplish Your plans and purposes for me. Shine Your light into what You want me to do and accomplish this year in both my life and writing. Build my faith to: “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God” (William Carey). As I thank you in advance, I will give You my praise. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

[i] Lloyd John Ogilvie. Lord of the Impossible. Nashville: Abingdon Press. 1984, p. 10.


  1. Your consistent intentional review of seeing and honouring what God was doing throughout the year has inspired me to do the same!. Thank you, Susan! In 2020, may your faith continue to build and grow deeper with seeing how God is the Lord of the impossible!

    1. Thank you Lynn. God's best for you in 2020!

  2. What an encouragement. As a long time journaller, i know how powerful it can be to look back and see what God has done in and through us. Thank you for the wonderful start to 2020! God bless, my friend!

    1. Thank you Tracy. God bless you too in 2020!

  3. Thank you for this, Sandi. Rich in insight and instruction. God’s great blessing on you in 2020.

    1. Thank you Diane. God's blessing to you too in 2020!

  4. Great insight to start 2020. Thank you Sandi.

    1. Thanks Bob! God's blessing to you in 2020!

  5. Sandi,
    Thanks for the reminder to review lessons from 2019.

    "Trust God for the impossible..." What a great challenge! I look forward to hearing about the impossible things God makes reality in your life.

    I appreciate your quiet leadership, Sandi. All of God's best in 2020!

  6. Thank you Ruth. God's blessings to you too in 2020!

  7. I so appreciate the way you outlined how this initiative worked for you. You have given others a way to follow if we choose to do so. Your personal reflections inspire me to carve out the time to journal regardless of the exhaustion that the day brings.

  8. Thank you, Denise. Gods blessings as you carve out time to journal your word or verse for 2020.

  9. Diligence is my word for this year of 2020. It's too easy to goof off reading and responding to e-mail. What I need to do is to take advantage of those times when I'm alert and do my e-mail while my brain is stuck in first gear.

  10. What a great word for your year, Bruce. I look forward to reading your blog post later in the month.

  11. A great start to the Inscribe Writers Online year, Sandi! And I love your "word" for 2020: God is the Lord of the impossible. Amen! I am trusting Him for at least two "impossible" things, and am fully trusting Him to show up!

  12. Thank you, Susan. God bless you as you trust God for your impossibilities and as you see Him work in these situations.


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