December 06, 2017

My Christmas Forest, Revealed by Glynis M Belec

I've recently had a story published in a Christmas anthology, Christmas with Hot Apple Cider (That's Life Communications; NJ Lindquist,editor).
My story, "The Christmas Forest," is a true account of something that happened a few years ago now. In a nutshell, my husband suggested we replace our real tree and substitute the 'alternate' kind. I was all over him with disapproval, until the forest happened.
I shared in "The Christmas Forest" story, how my real tree was eventually replaced with a myriad of miniatures. Small, Eco-friendly (fake) trees soon filled my home. I had boxes of memories that needed to be hung so tree after tree appeared in my living room. Before long each tree was designated a name, a purpose and a lesson emerged from each.
 And as the trees emerged with meaning, I soon began to see, realize and understand what the Lord was teaching me through it all. The first step was to slow down and breathe in the true meaning of Christmas. God did not really care about a decorated tree. He cared more about the condition of my heart. I knew my next step was to prioritize. To think upon the Blessed birth of the King of kings. I did it and started with the Nativity.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. James 1:17

In my story, I shared the lessons learned from eight trees. Here is a little overview of my trees and lessons learned:

1. The White Tree represents the purity of Christ, the sinless One, the One who creates in us a pure heart.
2. The Teal Tree represents good health and good friends, beautiful gifts from God.
3. The Heart Tree reminds me to be grateful
4. The Learning Tree reminds me about the responsibility I have in teaching others about why Christ came to earth.
5. The Treasure Tree makes me think of the treasure of family and how much I love spending this Holy holiday with them year after year.
6. The Imperfect Tree is a big reminder to me about how Christ was born unto this world to save imperfect people like me.
7. The Leftover Tree reminds me that God picks up our broken pieces and makes us whole again.
8.  The New Tree makes me ponder our new life in Christ. God sent His Son, and that makes me want to sing, “Joy to the world, the Lord has come!”

I like to have the 'New Tree' close to the Nativity scene so that when I glance from the baby in the manger to the tree, I’m reminded of how Christmas is an antecedent to Easter. So much God continues to teach me, year after year.
As I read my story now and as I gaze upon the Christmas external, it causes me to think about my Christmas internal. Joy to the world the Lord has come!
It turns out that the branches of my little forest of trees might not be the real McCoy, but what God teaches me through it all is as real as real could be. My heart is filled with gratitude. Nothing fake about that!
And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call

his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21

 Glynis lives, loves, laughs and does an awful lot of reading, writing, publishing and praying in her home office.
        How thrilled Glynis is to be part of CHRISTMAS WITH HOT APPLE CIDER - an anthology filled with a wonderful assortment of Christmas short stories, memories, drama and poetry.


  1. How beautiful and what neat reminder of all God's goodness!

  2. Thank you Glynis for this delightful post -I think my favourites would be the Imperfect and the Left over Trees ... it is wonderful to hear the things you were learning as the forest expanded. I hope you continue to see the Forest through all the different trees.

  3. What a wonderful Christmas post, dear Glynis. I love the idea of having different themed trees. Yours are lovely.
    Blessings ~ Wendy

  4. I chuckled, Glenice, when I read your story in our Christmas with Hot Apple Cider book. I am of the age when I've been trying to downsize, so I could see how my starting a forest of Christmas trees wouldn't be helpful for me right now. On the other hand, you describe the symbolism of each tree and I think this is lovely and spiritual and also very Glynis in its creativity. Enjoy!


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