December 09, 2017

When The Spirit Spoke - Shirley S. Tye

Many times the Holy Spirit has spoken to me over the years.  The words, feelings, and dreams have come unexpectedly.  But always, I have known with confidence that the messages are true and that I should heed them because they are from God.  Just recently, I began recording these messages into a little journal.  Sometimes I think I don’t hear often from God.  I feel a little disappointed – and yes, a little jealous - when others talk about when and what God has spoken to them.  I wonder, “Why doesn’t He speak to me like that?”  Ah, but now I have a record of when and what the Holy Spirit has spoken to me.  It encourages me. Through these messages, the Lord has revealed that indeed He is with me; He cares about me; He protects me; He guides me; He comforts me.  

The Lord has comforted me through dreams when I have grieved over the loss of family members. He has warned me of dangers as He did in 1975.  The front tire on the driver’s side of my car looked perfectly fine but the words which I clearly heard cautioned me to drive carefully because that tire was going to blow. And sure enough, it did.  Thankfully it happened on a city street where I had slowed down considerably rather than on the highway. Another, time as I was feeling frustrated and had no clear sense of direction, I screamed at God; “What do You want me to do?”  In His quiet and calm voice He answered; “You are doing what I want you to do.”  That’s all I needed to know; and so I was content.  And yet another time, when feeling afraid the Lord said; “Do not fear.”  Immediately, the fear left and a peace came over me. 

It is wonderful to hear the Lord’s loving, soft voice; strong, gentle, filled with love. It is awesome!  One time, while in prayer in a little camp church, as my eyes were closed I caught the sweet fragrance of the Holy Spirit when He passed by me.  It was the most wonderful aroma I have ever experienced.  I could not find words to describe it. 

The Lord is amazing!  And He is with me! 


  1. I always journal but it is just recently that I started a journal expressly for the kinds of things you mentioned. It is so much easier to find than trying to go through past journals that include everything. thanks for such an inspiring post.

  2. Thanks for sharing this, Shirley, and drawing my attention to the Holy Spirit's direct contact in my life. I know he is there, but I think of his working more in the background. May God continue to bless you.

  3. Shirley, this is beautiful. You mention once catching the sweet fragrance of the Holy Spirit, and I'm reminded that there was a time some years ago, as I sat in His presence, that I caught the fragrance of roses on the air ... it was so lovely. I felt so loved in that moment.

    Thank you very much, Shirley, for sharing this with us.

  4. Thank you for this reminder, not so long ago I went through a season of almost constant conversations with God. The lost of His voice left me grieving. I keep reminding myself He is there and listening 💕


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