October 27, 2017

Writing Buddies - A Unique Resource

We're talking about resources this month and a few people have mentioned PEOPLE as one of their favourite resources. InScribe wants to help you make connections with other writers. That's why we've started WRITING BUDDIES! Check it out:

Writing Buddies
Looking for a writing partner to help keep you accountable? Someone to bounce ideas off, or just offer some encouragement? Contact VP@inscribe.org and we’ll do our best to match you with a writer with similar interests. All genres, and levels of experience welcome!


  1. Having an accountability partner is on requirement for Self Publishing School. Even though I know how to set goals for myself, there's something about having to report to someone else that is very motivating and encouraging. Having a weekly check-in provides an opportunity to reflect and celebrate together. I highly recommend writing buddies!

  2. I'm not sure who wrote this, but thanks for the reminder!


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