October 01, 2017

Valuable Writing Resources by Sandi Somers

What are valuable resources you have discovered for your writing? This month our bloggers will tell us about their favourites.

A Noble Theme
“My heart is stirred by a noble theme…my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer (Psalm 45:1 NIV).

When I first planned this topic, I focused on books and magazine articles. However, as I outlined this blog, I began thinking outside the box, and my spirit took wings to new ideas.  I will, however, begin with books and magazines.  

Books on writing: Every so often I need to read books on creativity and writing. My recent forays have included If You Want to Write, by Brenda Ueland.  She wrote that writing is not a waste of time. “…every sentence you write, you have learned something…It has stretched your understanding.” Robert Benson, in his book, Dancing on the Head of a Pen: The Practice of a Writing Life, wrote how he learned to write to a “jury of 12”—writing to twelve strategic people he loved, who would benefit from his books and articles, and who wanted to hear—really hear—what he had to say.

Magazines on writing: My regulars are FellowScript, Writer’s Digest and The Writer. Lots of great ideas!!

Recreational reading books: It has been said that before we're writers, we're readers. Over the years I have absorbed good writing styles, creative plots, creative sentences, uplifting and inspiring ideas.

My Journals: have often given me an effortless  first draft of a devotional or article.

Blogs include: Our InScribe blogs, both group and individual writers’ blogs. Then there’s Anita Matthias’ Dreaming Beneath the Spires blog and FB page https://www.facebook.com/anitamathiaswriter/  and Rochelle Melander’s,Write Now Coach! Blog, packed full of writing ideas and motivational helps: http://writenowcoach.com/blog/

Library and the internet: In pre-internet days I searched the library for my research. Or I phoned the reference librarians who usually found an answer to my questions. Now, however, with several clicks of my keyboard, I can access all the information I want on a topic—and more!

Courses include Marcia Laycock's course on writing devotionals, and courses from Creative Nonfiction https://www.creativenonfiction.org/online-classes.The discipline of regular assignments and expert feedback have helped to grow my skills.

Scripture: Personal time with the Lord has brought meaning and guidance to my life and writing. A useful tool when searching for different translations, commentaries and sermons, and even translations in different languages is the website http://biblehub.com.

The Holy Spirit: I will have more to write about the Holy Spirit's role in next month's blog. But for now, I will say that He inspires me with guidance, ideas and strategies.

Family members, friends and my former students, and InScribe provide unending encouragement and a source for devotionals and essays. 

My travels, artist’s dates and everyday moments round out several of my strategic resources.   

Now over to you. Who are the people, ideas, and sources that inspire you?


  1. Looking forward to this month's posts!

    1. Yes, Tracy, we should have a wide variety of responses!

  2. I smile as I read your post, Sandi, because you set the standard, the theme, so clearly. At first read, I think, well, this topic is covered, but as I read your blog again and maybe again, my thoughts on the topic take shape. Thanks for your InSpiring InScribe Blog.

    1. Thanks for your faithful responses to my blog, Sharon. You’re always so encouraging!!

  3. Thanks you for another wonderful blog, Sandi! I agree that recreational reading is so important for writers. One of the best things we can do to improve our writing is to read, read, and read some more. I also enjoy reading several blogs on writing. And, of course, reading Scripture and listening to the promptings of the Holy Spirit are of the utmost importance as a Christian writer. I'm looking forward to reading more on the Holy Spirit's role in your writing in your next blog.

    1. Thank you for your response, Nina. The November topic will be very life-giving for all!!


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