October 29, 2017

My Favorite Writing Resources - Bob Jones

My favorite writing resource is a fountain pen.

A red Lamy Safari with black ink, to be specific.

I know – that’s not a textbook on writing or a website or a writing prompt.

But its my fav.

About three years ago I started writing on a daily basis. For me writing was very much a cognitive experience. Then I sat through a seminar presented by my friend, Tim Fowler.

He suggested that writing can actually be a “sensual” experience.


Tim spoke about his love of fountain pens. How writing with a fountain pen vs typing on a keyboard or even writing with a ballpoint pen changed how he felt about writing. He was passionate about fountain pens.

He even provided each participant with a fountain pen. For free.

No strings attached.

So I tried it.

And I liked it.

I take my Lamy with me everywhere I go (along with a good supply of cartridge re-fills).

Tim also suggested that the type of paper you write on influences your whole experience. “Finding a good paper allows you to realize the full potential of your fountain pen and ink, adding another dimension to both the pen and paper.”

He was right on his first suggestion so I checked out his second.

Scored again.

Make mine Midori paper. Midori paper is actually designed to give writers a pleasant writing experience. The paper is soft, smooth, thin and inexpensive. Perfect for everyday use.

A pen. And paper.

Sounds simple. It’s simply amazing.

What do you use for writing?

Bob is a recovering perfectionist, who collects Coca-Cola memorabilia and drinks Iced Tea. His office walls are adorned with his sons’ framed football jerseys, and his library shelves, with soul food. He writes to inspire people to be real, grow an authentic faith in Jesus, enjoy healthy relationships and discover their life purpose.

Follow his writing at Pointes Of View.


  1. I'm sold! Writing this down and plan to purchase on my next trip 'somewhere'. :) As a person who journals almost daily, I 'get' the sensory aspects of a good pen and quality paper. This reminds me of a post that Rohadi shared awhile back where he talked about his favourite pen and how it helped his writing.

    1. Please let me know how a fountain pen works for you, Tracy.

  2. Awesome! Thank you, Pastor Bob.

  3. Nothing frustrates me more than an uncomfortable pen or one that skips. And our church bulletin is a paper that NO pen can write a full sentence on with our stopping. Definitely the paper is important for my journals. I have been given fountain pens but never thought to use them beyond signing cards. I'll have to try them for journaling. Sometimes the simple advice is the most obvious. Thanks for getting me back to basic writing.

    1. You are welcome Marnie! Please let me know how your experience with a fountain pen goes.


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