October 03, 2017

5 x 5 Favourites by Steph Beth Nickel

Some of these resources are not directly related to writing and some are not presented from a Christian worldview, but I find them inspirational and encouraging even so. 

5 Favourite Books

Don McNair's Editor-Proof Your Writing

Lynne Truss's Eats Shoots and Leaves

Marcy Kennedy's A Busy Writer's Guide Series

Mignon Fogarty's Grammar Girl

Sarah Ettritch's Self-Publishing for Canadians

5 Favourite Facebook Groups

Create If Writing

Faith-Pump Fridays


The Confident Writer

The Light Bearer Community

5 Favourite Sources of Inspiration

Conferences and Workshops (I prefer the in-person variety.)

Jonny Diaz's YouTube Channel (and many other contemporary Christian artist's channels)

Nature (I love taking a walk, camera in hand.)


Well-written TV shows (I love the writing and the fast-paced delivery of the lines on West Wing.)

5 Favourite Podcasts

Kirsten Oliphant

Orna Ross

The Creative Penn

The Phosphorus Project

Truly Social

5 Favourite Websites / Posts

100 Best Websites for Writers 2017

Compel (This is a members only site, but there are a plethora of great information here.)

Lisa Hall-Wilson

Self-Publishing Formula

Writer's Digest


  1. Thanks. it's always interesting to see what others use/enjoy.

  2. Thanks for your list of resources, Steph Beth. Grammar Girl, The Creative Penn, and Writer's Digest are all favourites of mine, too. And, of course, InScribe and the ICWF Fall Conference!


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