October 25, 2017

The tools of the trade... By Vickie Stam

It seems that I have everything I need to write a best seller - at least that's what all the writing resources tell me. 

 Here I have "The Everything Guide To Writing A Novel." 

Joyce and Jim Lavene offer their book as a tool to help you complete "the first draft to landing a book contract - all you need to fulfill your dreams." While this book has proved to be a helpful guide in my writing endeavours, there have been many others that I have also turned to.

Every book promises to share the whole caboodle - provide me with all of the answers. Each one holds the nuts and bolts to help me find my creativity, the big hook, my voice, and the right genre. Even though I've read a lot of  books over the past seven years, I'm still a long ways away from whipping up that best seller.

There are so many writer's tools on the market today that it often becomes an overwhelming search. They line the shelves of Indigo like penny candy did in the corner store when I was a kid. Each one bears a title that beckons me to buy it. Whenever I opt to pull just one from its resting place I imagine them all tumbling into my arms as if to say - Pick me! Pick me!

All of these helpful tools offer snippets of wisdom between their pages and yes, I rush to the check out with my picks in hand eager to get home and underline, circle or highlight every word or sentence that will most certainly help me to fulfill my writing dream.

Here's a book that offers "50 Essential Strategies For Every Writer" along with the idea that "Writers will be inspired to pick up their pens."

You can bet that one didn't take long to follow me home. Once again, this book features a number of sentences underscored and pages earmarked for those days when I do need a little help being inspired.

I have more books but I can't possibly write about all of them, therefore I have left my favourite writing tool to the very end.

Writing Your Legacy is "A Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Your Life Story" by Richard Campbell, M.Ed. and Cheryl Svensson, Ph.D.

My passion for writing stems from my journey in life and so it should come as no surprise that this book would be my favourite.    

Each chapter offers themes that help turn your memories into words. The book is designed to keep you focused while you write about the different aspects of your life. It offers useful questions and suggested prompts to assist you in getting started. There are endless exercises that make it easy for you reach your writing goal. This manual can usher you into your own personal reflection.

An avid writer or a newbie will find everything they need to reach the finish line. 

** In closing, I must admit that out of all of the books that I have on hand this one does hold a special place in my heart. You see, I know Richard Campbell personally. I first met him when he facilitated a Life Story Writing class that I was enrolled in at Redeemer University. I was a frightened newbie writer looking for a place to free the words that I had imprisoned in my heart for so long. Richard's love for helping people write their story shines through in this book and in his teaching. Tucked between the pages of this little gem you'll find a fragment of my heart. I feel so honoured that Richard Campbell gave me the opportunity to allow others to see a glimpse of my journey - something that is forever bound inside the cover of, "Writing Your Legacy." 

Richard truly is a wonderful friend and an inspiration to many.


  1. More books for my TBR pile!I've read a lot of books on writing and publishing but have not come across these ones before. thanks Vickie.

    1. Super! It's been a great month for learning about the different resources that are out there and the ones that our friends at InScribe like. Many that I haven't heard of either. Very informative theme!

    2. Roy Peter Clark is the author of Writing Tools - 5o Essential Strategies For Every Writer. I didn't mention the author's name and not sure if my picture of the front cover is clear enough to take not of that.

  2. Thank you for your post Vickie! I'm going to look for "A Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Your Life Story." The fact you know one of the authors of the book is endorsement enough for me to add it to my family of books. I sense your writer heart beat in this post. Thank you my friend!

  3. Thanks Alan. You too have been a wonderful source of encouragement for me as have other InScribe writers. I will have to look up Jeff Goins, an unfamiliar name to me that was mentioned in your post this month. It's been an interesting month!

  4. The facts that you, Vickie Stamm, took a class Richard Campbell taught, that he is a personal friend of yours, and that (Writing Your Legacy holds) a special place in my heart, are solid recommendations. Thanks for sharing this and your other resource suggestions.


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