October 08, 2017

7 Great Write-Better Sources - Dayna Mazzuca

Good news! We, as writers, are not alone.

While too much input can distract from the work of writing. Now and then we need someone to guide, equip or encourage us. To make a way forward. Mentors can prove indispensable to the writer in serious pursuit of excellence.

A friend, after all, makes all the difference.

ONE. Write Brilliant online course offered by Christian authors Margaret Feinberg and Jonathan Merrrit. So encouraging and hands-on. https://writebrilliant.com

TWO. Stephanie S. Smith - http://www.slantletter.com

THREE. Joanna Penn - https://www.thecreativepenn.com

FOUR. Inscribe and Word Guild online and in person. For Christian Writers in Canada!

FIVE. Canadian Authors' Association. Fantastic opportunities. https://canadianauthors.org/national/ OR http://www.canauthorsalberta.ca/

SIX. Local Writer-in-Residence Programs. Send them a sample. Go for coffee. Be encouraged.  I've met with three different writers over the years and each time my writing went forward.

SEVEN. Retreat spaces to get away for a weekend to write OR pray. Best to pick a focus I find.



  1. Great list! I highly recommend Joanna Penn, and of course out own Inscribe and TWG!

  2. Thanks, Dayna, for your apt list of writing resources. Thanks also for your excellent presentation at Fall Confernce, where you presented ideas on gearing our writing to appeal to the personality/personalities of our readers. You gave us lots to think about.

  3. Some good resources I hadn't thought about. Thanks Dayna!
    Pam M.
    I, too, enjoyed your presentation at Conference on the Story Slam, and how we learned to present and deliver. This was really encouraging for me. Thanks!

    1. Thanks Pam - yes, lots of great writing to share with each other at Conference. Hopefully we can hear more in 2018 ;)

  4. Thanks for sharing, Dayna. Some new resources to check out - after I get my writing project finished, and my current course done :)

    1. Ah yes, the projects that keep us motivated. I've been really trying to focus on getting mine out the door as well before diving deep into the next thing - on the same page, sounds like.

  5. I especially enjoy Joanna Penn's books and blog. I will be looking into some of the other resources you've mentioned. I really enjoyed your Reach Your Readers workshop at the Fall Conference. Thank you, Dayna, for sharing some great insights into how to meet different types of reader's criteria in a novel!

    1. Thanks Nina! one of my favourite subjects to share on - how to reach our readers. I love to read, so when a writer speaks my language I'm always so grateful - and really won't take the time to read those who don't - so I feel this is such a crucial area to develop as writers - thanks again for the feedback!


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