November 08, 2015

On Memory & Relationships by Karma Pratt

Memory can be a tricky thing. Sometimes our memories slip away from us. Sometimes they soften with the passing of time and the piling on of nostalgia. Memories can change, shift, or blur, for a myriad of reasons. But there are always a few - those catalytic moments that changed our trajectory forever - that stand out, crystalline against the clear blue sky of our mind.

For me, the memories that stand out the most are the ones that involve relationships with people that I've come to treasure over the years. Each one has had a profound impact in my life, and my walk with God. These are Christians who scattered seeds in my life and helped shape the person I continue to become.

One Christian I have made many great memories with is my friend, Ruth-Ann. She became our babysitter when my mom went back to work full time in 1985. I became best friends with her daughter, Julie, a friendship that continues to this day. Our relationship has continue to grow over the years.
Ruth-Ann was a quiet Christian when I first met her. She devoted herself to the raising of kids (her own, and many neighbourhood kids as well). She was disciplined in her approach to God and life, always waking by 4 a.m. each day to complete her own devotions, plus the multitude of tasks that go along with farm life. Ruth-Ann gave the best hugs of anyone I know. She was steadfast, always there for us, long after we needed babysitting. 
As an adult with my own children now, I have only recently re-kindled my connection with Christ. So many things have changed in a very short time. My relationship with Ruth-Ann has blossomed into one of accountability and mentorship (with me receiving the greatest benefit for sure!) I admire her obedience, her servant's heart, her ability to listen to God, and speak life into people, circumstances, and situations. She embodies encouragement, and I am so thankful I can count her among my friends. 
In a recent conversation with Ruth-Ann, we talked about the importance of writing down and speaking aloud all the great things that God has done in our lives. She encouraged me to begin a timeline - a place in my journal where I can keep track of the moments where I have seen God moving in my life. These could be great big moments - i.e. became a Christian, summer 1990 - or seemingly simple things - i.e. the blessing of having our family around the table to celebrate our twin's 3rd birthday.
Celebrating with family. We are three!
Whatever the circumstances, keeping a timeline allows us to look back on our walk with God, and clearly see all the places he has been with us. It also allows us see the ways that Christ works in our lives, transforming, softening the rough edges, reshaping us so we are better able to follow him. 
Relationships continue to be the place where my most cherished memories are formed. God has created a place for fellowship where we are safe to share our faith, and praise God for all that he's done, and all he continues to do. As I continue to walk with God, he continues to remind me of the people he's placed in my life to help me along this path.
Karma Pratt is a faith-driven mom of twins, a communicator, a writer, and an encourager from way back. She loves words, art, creativity, God, and people, although not necessarily in that order. She was blessed to recently be part of the Out of Sorts Book Launch Team, and would encourage everyone to pick up a copy of Out of Sorts! You can also read more of Sarah Bessey's beautiful words and work on her site:
You can find Karma online at or connect on TwitterFacebook, LinkedIn


  1. I totally agree. Relationships are number 1!

  2. I've learned that God had to be a trinity because he is a God of relationship, and you can't be that if you're alone. If we're made in his image, we are made for relationship, and you describe that very well, Karma.

  3. Anonymous8:44 am GMT-7

    Absolutely love that idea of a timeline. And what a blessing Ruth Ann has been to your life. I am sure you have been a blessing right back to her as well.

  4. Yes, Karma. If you asked my husband what one of my favourite sayings is, he'd say, "It's all about relationship." Amen! everything, everything, EVERYTHING is about relationship--with God, with other people, with creation, and also, very importantly for us writers, with words. Thanks for sharing your heart with us in this post.

  5. Yes, that's it, a timeline--that's something that can be right at our fingertips to keep us focused and encouraged. Thanks so much Karma for a practical way to keep the important things in the forefront!

  6. Thanks, Karma, for this fantastic and inspiration blog. You had me from your opening paragraph and your first sentence: "Memory can be a tricky thing." We all need "Ruth-Anns in our lives, and I agree with the importance of relationships. I've reread your first paragraph several time, as it is beautifully and powerfully written. May God continue to less your young family.

  7. That would be, May God continue to bless your young family, Karma!


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