November 13, 2015

My Brian is Numb By T. L. Wiens

I had a very creative piece I was going to submit to the blog this month. I lost it somewhere in the hundreds of files on my computer. I’ll probably find it ten minutes after posting this. Instead, you will get this Nanowrimo worn out brain.
I finished my 50000 words in eight days. I guess that’s what happens when I take a month off writing. I can’t type fast enough but I know a lot of people struggle to get the words down. That’s why I dislike the number game.
I know goals are good but we don’t all write fast. Some of us cannot stand to look at red scattered throughout our text and have to stop to correct. I know people who think getting one written paragraph a day is quite an accomplishment. All of these represent the same deep desire; they have to get the story written at whatever pace they are able to do this.
November is also Remembrance Day month. While I have plot complications that I want to get on paper, there are other things in life that are more important. Remembering the sacrifice of soldiers who all gave and give their lives is one of those occasions. Some die on the battlefield, some suffer slow excruciating living deaths and all are haunted with the memories that change them. This deserves my time. Writing stops.
For all of you challenging yourself to Nanowrimo, I pray the story comes and your fingers fly across the keyboard. For those of you who are seeking out other endeavors, I pray God’s leading.
God bless you all. It is wonderful to be a part of this family.


  1. 50,000 words in eight days?!?! Wow! I'm doing nano too, but I am definitely not writing at anywhere that pace. Good for you.
    As the moderator I was going to go in and change the spelling in the title "Brian' and change it to Brain, but then I thought it might actually be an example of what you are talking about!

    1. Okay, that's just how tired I am today. I didn't notice it until you mentioned it.

  2. I also thought there might be a Brian in the story, a play on the words.
    And I had wanted to get involved with the nano write, missed it & plunking away at tidbits. I commend you both for doing it ... sigh, again moved to the back burner.

    1. Beginning to doubt my choice to do Nanowrimo. I love the writing but this year, I literally can't type fast enough for my plot. And I type pretty fast. My computer can't always keep up to me. Hate that.
      It sounds like your working on some other projects that might prove just as rewarding.

  3. Your title is very cute and relevant even if unintentional. I say keep it. Congrats to yourself and everyone else who is doing Nanowrimo. That's great if your plot is wanting to get down on paper faster than you can keep up to it I think. I always find November to be such a dreary month and Remembrance Day is so important but does add to the sadness of the month...doing something like Nanowrimo would be good but thanks also for the reminder that some of us just can't get those words on paper that fast...I am definitely the turtle (at this stage of my writing anyways).

  4. Such a great reminder that we should never compare our writing journey to someone else's. Yes, for some the red lines scream FIX ME and for others, the keyboard can't keep up. Both are right. Both are writing.

    Did you find your original post? :-)

    1. I haven't had time to take a good look. I will find it after November.

  5. I too am awed by your 50,000 words in 8 days. Wow! Like Gloria, I too am a turtle at writing, although I'm not doing NaNoWriMo this year. I have realized that being a turtle is okay, as long as I'm writing. And yes, it is always good to stop and remember things that deserve our time and our reflection. Let us know how many words you get done by the end of the month. I want to know.

    1. Thank you Connie.
      I think Turtles are fine. We're all given gifts, unique to us in many ways. As long as we use them to God's glory.
      I'll let you know the final count.

  6. Tammy, I am so impressed and pleased to hear that you are writing with such flow. Sometimes we do need to take some time away our writing in order to deal with life. May God continue to work in your life and in your writing. I appreciate your encouraging words at the end of your blog.

    "For all of you challenging yourself to Nanowrimo, I pray the story comes and your fingers fly across the keyboard. For those of you who are seeking out other endeavors, I pray God’s leading. God bless you all. It is wonderful to be a part of this family." You've included all of us in InScribe Christian Fellowship--your sisters and brothers in Christ--and prayed for God's blessing on our writing endeavours. Thank you and blessings to you and your family and blessings on your writing, Tammy.


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