November 17, 2015


Knowledge of the past is essential to living in the future. The quote above is the reason history repeats itself; even our personal lives bear this out. If we fail to learn from others’ mistakes, preferring to learn from our own, we risk re-inventiing the wheel with its attendant disadvantages and trauma.

So what mistakes did I make that I could have avoided if I’d listened to God’s wisdom from his Word and others’ experience? What memories now haunt and bless me as I approach my eightieth birthday?

With sadness, missed opportunities that I will never have again, come to mind. Fear, laziness, ambition, all contributed to life decisions that undoubtedly reduced the quality and joy of life for my family. I believe it is only by the grace of God that they had a less serious effect than they could have.

Following God’s will provides the most meaningful life. My personal desires, and less than enthusiastic embrace of the Christian faith earlier in life, took me in a different direction. It’s just too bad we end life with the experience we need for life and start our life without it!

But these memories are counterbalanced by looking back to see God’s hand in my life and in my family, despite my waywardness. The goodness and graciousness of God are overwhelming. We still face challenges, but the knowledge and experience of God’s care continually overcomes fear and uncertainty.

Now as age and health issues catch up with me, I have decided to reduce my commitments to a lesser number, so that I can give better attention to those issues important to Ann and our growing family. As a result, I regret I will no longer be a regular contributor to this blog.

Participating in the InScribe blog has been a worthwhile journey, as every writing experience contributes to personal skills. But particularly, to share faith and experience together is strengthening for all of us. I’m grateful for the many experiences shared by all of you, and also the kind comments in response to my own.

However, thanks to Tracy’s gracious invitation, I may meet you here on occasion as guest blogger. I will also share our ongoing experiences on my personal blog at Norfords’ Ramblings, where I can achieve a broader, if more irregular, expression. Perhaps we can also meet there occasionally.

And to all of us—for time and eternity: “To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy—to the only God our Saviour be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.” Jude 24–25.


  1. Anonymous7:43 am GMT-7

    "It’s just too bad we end life with the experience we need for life and start our life without it!" Wow! That sentenced ministered to me today. Thank you. Will miss you here, however believe God has got you exactly where you are suppose to be for you, your family, and community. God bless and look forward to catching up with you at your other place!

  2. Your words of wisdom will be sorely missed, Bryan. thank you for your contributions over the years and may God continue to bless and use you.

  3. God bless you and yours always.

  4. Hi Brian. It was great to meet you at the Inscribe conference this year. Just so you know I always have felt particularly challenged posting the day right after you on this blog. Your thoughts were always so insightful and well thought out. You made me think many times. I will miss posting after you even though it was a challenge. Thanks for all of your posts. This one was also challenging...I am sitting here thinking of what you have to say about regrets about past decisions. I have them too...I think once our kids are raised we suddenly become aware of all of the 'what if's' and 'if only's'....I too am thankful for Gods grace as He has definitely filled in some holes that I missed!! Rest assured though that you have and continue to make more of a difference than you realize. After the conference I remarked to my husband that I wished there were more senior people out there like you and your wife; we really enjoyed listening to everything you both had to say.

  5. And sorry for spelling your name wrong ;)

  6. Bryan--I have appreciated your fresh insights as a blog contributor here. I could always count on a Biblically-based perspective to each month's focus from you and have always appreciated that. Thanks so much. Your insights will be missed.

  7. I also want to thank you for your well worded and scriptural blog postings. All the best as you carry on as the spirit leads.

  8. We do sometimes have regrets as we look back and see missed opportunities, but I appreciate that you pointed out that even when we slip up, God is there, cleaning up behind us, and going ahead to clear the way for what's coming. May the Lord bless you and Ann as you step out boldly into a new phase of your life. I have no doubt the Lord has plans, and they aren't for you to sit around knitting! May blessings, Bryan.

  9. Thank you InScribe bloggers for your encouraging remarks. I will treasure these always. God bless you as you continue to build inScribe and each other through this delightful sharing rendezvous.

  10. Bryan,
    Thank you for making the time to share your wisdom and insight with us! We all understand that "to everything there is a season..." and I am thankful for the time and energy you have put into your posts on this blog. May God continue to guide your steps and use you for His glory. See you at Norford's Ramblings :)

  11. I too thank you, Bryan, for adding your spirit-filled perspective and guidance to the mix. May God bless you as you use your time for what God has laid on your heart to do. It sounds like much of that will be spending time with your family. As someone has wisely said, "In our later years, no one every says, 'I wish I hadn't spent so much time with my family!'"


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