November 29, 2015

God Cares About the "Small" Things - Ruth Snyder

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"Mom, why are we turning around?"

"We're going back to Edmonton. To get your iPad, Levi." I fought to keep my tone even, though I felt like screaming. I kept telling myself it was only an iPad. 

"Mom's not very happy with you right now." Between checking for other vehicles, I glanced at my fifteen-year-old son. His eyes were on vehicles approaching, no doubt identifying each one. He had absolutely no clue about my inner turmoil. All he knew was that his iPad was missing.

We had left Edmonton half an hour before. Since we were later than I thought we would be, I had phoned the lady who was staying with our other children to make sure she could stay until we arrived home. Just as we were reaching the outskirts of the city, Levi reached down to grab his iPad so he could take a picture of a vehicle that was approaching. It wasn't there. Keeping my eyes on the road, I groped around, thinking it had fallen out of his reach. My hand came up empty too. I found a safe place to pull over and Levi and I both looked for the iPad. Nothing.

I knew I had given Levi's iPad back to him after our visit to the toy section in Walmart. "Did you put your iPad down somewhere?" It's never easy to get information out of Levi. Between his speech difficulties and developmental delays, facts come out garbled at the best of times. I talked him through events and we both came to the realization that his iPad had probably been left on the bathroom counter of Walmart.

Most of the way back I was praying. Hoping the iPad would be where Levi left it. Asking God to help me maintain my perspective. Reminding myself that it was only an iPad, costing about $1,000 to replace, but nevertheless only a piece of technology. 

When we arrived back at Walmart, we went to the bathroom. No iPad. My heart sank. 

"Excuse me. Is there a lost and found in the store?"

The security guard nodded. "What are you looking for?"

"An iPad."

"Go check at customer service."

As we walked through the store I continued praying. Trying to prepare myself to deal with the reality we'd never see the iPad again.

"Hi. I came to see if you had an iPad turned in."

The clerk smiled and reached behind her. There it was! Levi's iPad. Safely back in his hands.

"Thank you!" 

I felt like shouting. Instead I thanked God and Levi and I headed home.

Even as I write this, there are tears in my eyes. God cares about you and me! Have you thanked Him for something today?


  1. This is a great example of how God really does meet our needs, even in seemingly non 'spiritual' circumstances. thanks for the reminder to always pray about everything, Ruth

    1. You're welcome, Tracy
      Too often we forget to share these stories.

  2. There are tears in my eyes, too. God is so good!

    1. Yes, God is good. He would still be good if the iPad disappeared, but I'm thankful that we were able to get it back. Levi uses the iPad at school and it helps so much.

  3. Beautiful ... oh yes, He cares and it's always wonderful to hear new ways and stories about how He shows us that He does. Thanks, Ruth!


  4. "He would still be good if the iPad had disappeared..." Yes, that's got to be our attitude. Like Daniel's friends going into the fiery furnace. May the Lord work in each of our hearts until we, too, can know that with confidence, in ANY circumstance!

    1. Wouldn't you know it, I had opportunity to practice that attitude - we have a missing hearing aid now. At least we know it's in our house somewhere. I'm praying it will show up sooner rather than later. Side benefit - Kendall did find an old hearing aid that had been missing - so at least Levi still has two hearing aids to wear :)

    2. We did a lot of hunting for hearing aides a few decades ago. We had special insurance for them. I hear you, Ruth. These are moments of anguish, but you are practicing your faith and this is such a good example for the kids. Yes, God is still good when things don't go right. Even then we can feel his love. Love and prayers.

  5. Anonymous8:44 am GMT-7

    Yes, God is good, even in the stresses of our circumstances!

  6. Oh Ruth, how beautiful! I have a similar Wal-Mart story.

    A few weeks ago when we were shopping to fill our Christmas shoeboxes, I had my little notebook out--the one I keep in my purse, rich with lists, and sermon notes, and contact info from all kinds of people. A few days later when I looked for it at home, it was missing. The only place I could have left it was in the shopping basket at Wal-Mart.

    Not hopeful, I went to their Customer Service desk, asked if a little red notebook had been turned in. The attendant got a look of recognition in her eye, opened a cupboard door and voila, there it was ! (Not a thousand dollars to replace, mind you, but who wants friends' contact info in the hands of perfect strangers?) I feel your joy!!

    1. Thanks for sharing, Violet :) Those little notebooks have very valuable information - priceless in most cases. I'm so glad God enabled you to get it back!

  7. Yes, God is so good. What a beautiful reminder that we need to thank Him more often, for the little things and the big things. He always deserves our praise.

    1. Yes, he does always deserve our praise. I'm still learning to praise Him, especially when I don't "feel" thankful!

  8. If we were to keep our eyes open all the time to this fact we would recognize countless ways God is blessing us, rescuing us in situations big and small, and simply LOVING us in every moment.

    1. So true, Lynn. We are often blind to God's goodness in our lives. Sometimes God uses pain to wake us up.

  9. I love those "found" moments. God is a great finder, after all He found you and me.

    1. I'm thankful He found us. I'm also thankful for the grace He gives when we need to find things :)


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