November 01, 2015

“Lest We Forget” – by Sandi Somers

During this Remembrance month, we remember those who have died so that we can live in peace. We also think of the memorial stones that Joshua set up after crossing the Jordan River to remind the people of what God had done for them.

 Prompt:  Choose a memory…. why you write, the books you read as a child, a memory or situation connected to your writing journey. How is this memory a memorial for you?

InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship—Then and Now

I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
I will consider all your works
and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”
-         Psalm 77:11-12

This month I want to pay tribute to the great things God has done in InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship.

Our current mission is “to stimulate, encourage and support Christians across Canada who write, to advance effective Christian writing, and to promote the availability and influence of all Christians who write.”

Origins: InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship began as a result of the Billy Graham Decision School of Christian Writing in Calgary in 1979. Twelve writers decided to have an organization “to provide a vehicle for mutual support, stimulation and growth for Christian writers in Alberta.” The main feature was an annual conference—still important today. 

In 1982, there were twenty-two paid members, with an annual fee of $15.00. Today we have nearly 200 members, with memberships paid on a one-year, two-year and three-year basis.

Executive meetings were originally face-to-face, with members needing to drive some distance to meet. Now we have the convenience of online resources and can enjoy meetings from the comfort of our own homes.

Writing Contests began in 1983, and now include winter and fall contests, FellowScript contests and monthly writing challenges.

The Newsletter began as a single page in 1983, mailed to fifteen people. We now have a thirty-two page FellowScript magazine, available in print and on PDF.

The first writing group was formed on September 15, 1986. We currently have fourteen groups, and have had up to more than twenty.

Spring Workshops were added in April 1990, later named Spring WorDshops.

Cross-Canada expansion came in 1996; to reflect this expansion, we later adopted the current name, InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship. Right now we have the capacity to expand even further, to become an international organization.

Technology changed the face of ICWF. With the rise of internet, we registered our organization online and created a website with the domain name We later added a members’ discussion group—the Listserve--and two blogs: InScribe Writers Online, and the Professional Blog.

InScribe has published three anthologies: Companion, in honour of the 20th anniversary in 2000; InScribed: 30 Years of Inspiring Writers, and 7 Essential Habits of Christian Writers, published in 2015.

As we grow, we mentor and minister to writers wherever they are their writing journey. We continue to develop our vision and leadership capacities of all. And as God has led us these thirty-five years, we trust Him to lead us in the future.

For reflection:
·        When and how did you come into contact with ICWF?

·        What has God done for you through ICWF? Take time to thank Him for the part ICWF has played in your writing career and in your spiritual life.

·        Who in ICWF has been influential in your spiritual and writing development? Why not email or phone these people to thank them. (Hmm…Now I have a bit of homework to do on this one.)

PS If you wish to read a devotional on Joshua’s memorial stones, click here. 


  1. Fascinating overview, Sandi. Thanks for this. I had no idea Billy Graham ran a school for Christian writers.

    How did I come in contact with ICWF? I have no idea. I know I signed up to attend the conference in 2012, but still have no recollection as to how I found out about it. A God-wink perhaps? Can't wait to hear how others came in contact with InScribe!

    1. Thanks for your brief overview, Bobbi. I've been in and out of contact with InScribe--actually I attended the Decision School for Christian writers but didn't connect with those who organized this group. I was a member in the early 2000s, and then decided to attend the conference in 2011.

    2. Thanks for the walk back through the years, Sandi. So many memories! I attended my first conference way back in 1999 I think it was - held in a tiny church basement in New Sweden AB. I was so excited to discover there was a Christian writers' organization (then ACWF). When I was asked to be the treasurer for the group (I think that was in 1992) I jumped at it, not because I like dealing with finances but because I just wanted to be involved. I handed that role off pretty quickly :) - but they asked me to stay on the exec. and eventually I became vice president under Elsie Montgomery and then President - for about 7 years I think. It was a real pleasure to work with those on the exec. and to learn from the teachers at the workshops and conferences. I especially loved the contests. :) There are many who were influential in my growth as a writer over the years - Elsie Montgomery, Nathan Harms, Sigmund Brouwer, Linda Siebenga, and many others. God has blessed me over and over again through ICWF and I am so very thankful!

  2. I came across Inscribe online in 2010 and was so excited to find a Canadian organization for Christian writers. I went to my first conference that same fall. i instantly felt a connection and for me, I love the way Inscribe feels like a family.

  3. What a beautiful tribute to InScribe. Thanks Sandi.

  4. What a great walk down memory lane. Thanks, Sandi.
    I was first introduced to Inscribe at a God Uses Ink conference in Guelph, Ontario. Marcia was there and I think we hit it off instantly. That had to be in the late 90s, maybe? We were doing a pre-tour at a book binding place - do you remember that, Marcia? Anyway, she shared so much about Inscribe, I was intrigued. The rest, they say, is history and I've been hooked ever since.

  5. Thanks, Sandi, for refreshing our minds about the background and exciting growth of InScribe. We are indeed fortunate to have this group to support and sustain us in our writing and in our spiritual growth as individuals. May God continue to bless who we are and what we do in our lives and in our writing. Amen!

  6. Sandi, thanks for this wonderful history, and for the questions at the end. You helped me tie all my thoughts together coherently (I hope) for my post!

  7. Thank you, Sandi, for the encouraging history lesson on what God has birthed through InScribe so far. I've just discovered InScribe this year somewhere during my internet travels. I was craving to connect with some other Canadian Christian writers. So glad to be here.
    Blessings ~ Wendy

  8. Janet Seever1:39 pm GMT-7

    Thanks for the interesting background to InScribe, Sandi. I had no idea about its start--so interesting. I started attending conferences back in 1998 after becoming part of the Calgary writer's group held at Laurie Bennie's house.


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