June 24, 2015

Who Am I Writing to Please? - by Tandy Balson

I have known from the beginning that many of the words I write don’t originate from me.  God guides my thoughts and forms the words that flow from my fingertips onto the page.

When I struggle with what to write it is usually because I’m trying to do it on my own.  The writer’s block is actually a self imposed barrier which makes it difficult for me to pay attention to the heavenly guidance being offered.

There have been times I’ve felt the inspiration to write on a certain topic and then been amazed at where it has led.  Since this wasn’t my plan, it must have been the one God intended.  When this happens I feel his pleasure that I was attuned to the message he wanted me to share.

I believe he gives me insight into everyday life experiences that are often taken for granted in our busy lives.  The sole purpose is for me to pass them on.  When I am obedient, it pleases him.

I understand that not all of the words I write will reach others or point them back to God.  Although this is my intention, I have no control over the final outcome.  For this reason, I need to write for an audience of one.  

Everything I write needs to be an offering to God.  When I take my meager gift and offer it back to God he is able to multiply it.  I pray that my words will be used to bring him glory but usually there is no actual confirmation that this has happened.  This is where faith and trust come in.

Then there are those incredible moments when I’m given the gift of hearing how the words have made a difference.

One of those times happened recently.  A woman approached me with a story to share.  She had been using my book as a daily reading.  (That alone blessed me!)  Her father had recently passed away and she had just read the final words he had written in his journal.  The next morning she opened my book to see those same words as the title of reading for that day.  The words that followed spoke to her so clearly that she chose to read this story at her father’s funeral.

I had tears rolling down my cheeks as she relayed this to me.  It was overwhelming to know that words I had written had impacted someone so deeply. I felt I had just received a warm embrace from God as he told me how pleased he was that I was obeying him with the writing I was doing.  

I thank God for the words he gives me and pray that my writing will always be pleasing to and glorify him.

Tandy is the author of Inspirations From the Everyday and Dragonflies, Snowdrifts & Spice Cake.  She blogs at www.timewithtandy.com


  1. Tandy, your story about the lady is incredible! I know that's what we'd all like to hear periodically - that our words have impacted someone. It gives us motivation to keep going. But this sentence gave me pause. "When I take my meager gift and offer it back to God he is able to multiply it." I suddenly had an image of the young David, watching the sheep, writing his poems to the Lord. I expect the idea of impacting others was far from his mind. He was simply worshiping God. And when he was being chased by Saul, he was crying out to God. Yet the Lord still uses those words 1000's of years later. Yes, you're right. We need only write for God. The rest is up to him.

  2. What a blessing - both for you and for the people your words have touched.

  3. Thanks so much for this. It really helped me put my writing back into perspective; writing for an audience of One.

  4. Thank you for your comments. I feel so blessed to be not only writing but a member of this supportive group.

  5. I agree Tandy that we do feel His pleasure when we are attuned to the message He wants us to share. And then it's beautiful to see how God uses that message to speak to others. Thanks for sharing your story with us. It is encouraging.


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