June 16, 2015

Feeling God’s Pleasure When We Write by Loretta Bouillon

The theme of this month’s blog post is to encourage someone who is discouraged and needs to feel God’s pleasure through the written word. For me, with my writing, I find it difficult to write anything in times of discouragement other than lamenting and crying out to God in my journal. When life is tough and I am struggling, often it is hard to find joy in writing, period.

“This too shall pass”….where does that saying come from? Hmnnnn, let me google it---"This too shall pass" , is an adage indicating that all material conditions, positive or negative, are temporary. The phrase seems to have originated in the writings of the medieval Persian Sufi poets, and is often attached to a fable of a great king who is humbled by the simple words. Some versions of the fable, beginning with that of Attar of Nishapur, add the detail that the phrase is inscribed on a ring, which has the ability to make the happy man sad and the sad man happy. The adage and associated fable were popular in the first half of the 19th century, appearing in a collection of tales by the English poet Edward Fitzgerald and being employed in a speech by Abraham Lincoln before he became president.” (Wikipedia)

So, in a nutshell, positive or negative conditions are temporary. Circumstances and human emotions (which are often dependent on circumstances) are always in flux. As Christians, we know this: God is constant, He is there and He wants us to lean on Him. By leaning on Him, He will raise us above our circumstances.

Communing with God brings Him pleasure which in turn brings us pleasure. In difficult times when I force myself to write and I put  unrealistic deadlines on myself, my pleasure in the craft dissipates. The spark fizzles out and there is no joy in it. So what I am learning is this: I give myself a break and just talk to God through my pen. Through this written conversation with God, it breaks through the fog of disillusionment, it brings clarity, it brings pleasure to my heart.  His pleasure.  His peace.



  1. So glad that God is constant!

  2. Yes, Loretta. Communing with God in whatever our mood does bring him pleasure! Amen to that.

  3. You're so right...everything good or bad is "temporary." That's something to be thankful for!

  4. I can identify with what you are saying, Loretta., especially in the last paragraph. "I give myself a break and just talk to God through my pen. Through this written conversation with God, it breaks through the fog of disillusionment, it brings clarity, it brings pleasure to my heart. His pleasure. His peace."

    I too have done that. By talking to God with pen and paper, I have found clarity, or God has given it to me. I I have found resolution, or did God give it to me. And peace. Yes, God did bring me to peace and a more positive look at life's challenges. And yes, that I have taken time to converse with God with pen and paper, so I am more focussed? That has given me pleasure, and I believe God also saw that this was good. Thanks for this writing.


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