June 19, 2015

The Mystery & The Kingdom by Linda Aleta Tame

Colossians 1:27 To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Luke 17:21 .....For indeed, the Kingdom of God is within you.  

The Mystery

Beauty has in it
A calling

A deep calling
& reveals ...
The Invisible

Beauty is seen
In our eyes

Our glistening eyes
& manifest
The Unknown...

Beauty captivates
Our hearts

Our expectant hearts
& yield...
The Mystery

"He Sees" Acrylic on Canvas 20 x 24
The Kingdom 

You close your eyes
Everything slows down
The sound of everyday life
around you is
in the sound 
of silence

You tune into the
frequency of
another dimension
another realm
A Kingdom
 And God is there


  1. MMmmmm..... Your words bring a deep, contented sigh to my heart this morning Linda.

    May I add that as one who has never been able to appreciate poetry, the more I'm exposed to it by our InScribe writers, the more I learn what a blessing it can be. Thx, poets!

  2. Hi Linda! Thank you so much! I love "The Kingdom"! The words, "You close your eyes, Everything slows down". That is beautiful! Such great words for one to reflect on and even practice as a daily discipline. Thank you so much for sharing the words of a true poet!

  3. Yes Aleta, Beauty has a calling in it, it draws us upwards ... Thanks for sharing the beauty of your words.

  4. "Our expectant hearts; Swell; and yield...; The Mystery" Beautiful--and so true. Thanks.


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