June 27, 2015

Run Like Your Pants are on Fire by Melanie Fischer

For some reason, when I read this month’s theme from the movie Chariots of fire, I envisioned a man running with his pants on fire. This, however, doesn't make much sense; if your pants were on fire you probably would not run—you would stop, drop and roll.

Not only did this month’s topic spark this odd image, but it sparked the message for this post.

What I am trying to get at is this: we need to go like we have a fire under us. Our life is like a race. Not in a competitive or rushed manner, but in the way that we need to keep going until we get to the finish line. Of course the Lord only knows the day that we will cross that line, but in the meantime we are to keep going and run a good race!

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." 2 Timothy 4:7 NIV 

It is amazing to feel God’s pleasure in our writing, but the fact is that does not always happen. I tend to feel His pleasure more in “having written” than in the writing itself. Showing up and doing the work, even when it is not satisfying, is an act of worship and is glorifying to God.

Of course the race is different for all of us. Some writing races (probably few) look like this…

But for many, our races look a bit more like this…

The writing race isn’t always fun, it isn’t always easy, it isn’t always pleasurable; however, let’s wipe the mud off of each other’s faces, put band-aids on our boo-boos and cheer each other on.

The tendency may be to stop, drop and roll…but unless your pants really are on fire, we need to keep running this race.

If you are discouraged and need to feel God’s pleasure, I say step up to the starting line then start running. The Lord WILL be with you the entire time because He promises that He will never leave you nor forsake you. We may not feel His pleasure the whole way through, but He will be waiting at His gate for us as we cross that finish line. He will peer into His book of life, smile upon our names, and say “well done good and faithful servant.”

"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the good news of God's grace." Acts 20:24 NIV

Photo source: PhotoPin


  1. You have such a great sense of humour Mel! Love this post

  2. Thanks Tracy! Why cry when we can laugh :)

  3. Love this Melanie,
    It is so true. Sometimes the writing is - do I want to do this? But then when it is finished you can say, I did it. And God says, Well done!. I also must admit I thrive on comments - they seem to fuel the fire to write more.

  4. Thanks Melanie for this encouraging post, it brought smiles and inspiration.

  5. Thanks Melanie--lately I've felt pretty muddy myself and like the mud is starting to dry and get caked on. I know I need to just get back to the starting line. Thanks for your "spurring on" words.

    1. The amazing thing about this race Connie is that even if we stop for a bit, the Lord's Grace always allows us to start again, right from where we are! Keep running the good race me dear friend!

    2. Thank you for the comments ladies, I truly appreciate it. The conversation between readers and writers keeps the fires lit! Keep on keeping on :)

  6. Not long ago I came across Jeremiah 20:9: "But if I say I will never mention the Lord or speak in his name his word burns in my heart like a fire. It's like a fire in my bones. I am worn out trying to hold it in! I can't do it." Sounds to me like the cry of a writer.

  7. Yes, it certainly does sound like the cry of a writer! Clearly we are not alone in having these kind of moments. It's all part of the writers race :)


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