February 06, 2015

Plugging in to the Lord by Glynis M. Belec

 I don’t need re-energizing; I just need more hours in a day. I suppose that sounds a bit rebellious given the impressive prompt and the beautiful works of words that I have been reading about where a depleted writer can go to be refreshed or what he can do to charge his batteries. 

How I long for that little cabin in the woods (with wifi, flush toilets and hydro, of course) where I could just be free to pour my heart onto the page. Okay, I would settle for days – no hours at my computer without a million interruptions. Just having some quantity of time would be sufficient.

This is starting to sound a bit like a tirade or an opportunity to complain or to seek pity. Really it’s not. God is at the helm. I know it and I can feel it. Just because I am not getting what I want doesn’t mean that I am not rejoicing.

The more I think about it, though, the more I am realizing that God is providing me with plenty of writing and speaking fodder. So in actual fact, He is recharging me moment by moment.

Today I will be speaking to a group of 55 women about the shift from daughter to caregiver; from dreamer to writer; from cancer sufferer to survivor.

God allowed circumstances to happen. He was preparing me for His purpose. Maybe the time isn’t right to write about it, but today the time is right to speak about it. So I will forge on with joy in my heart, a smile on my face and a sincerity that can only come from focussing on the Lord. I find when I do that, God opens my eyes to all the wonderful things that are going on around me.

I know God has some great things in store in my writing. I’m trusting His timing. He’s never let me down yet. 

For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay. Habakkuk 2:3



  1. Anonymous6:48 am GMT-7

    It is about trusting His timing. And being present now in all that is happening!

  2. One of the hardest truths I had to hear was that God needs to do a work IN me before he can do a work THROUGH me.

    God is doing amazing work through you, Glynis, but as you point out (with just a touch of weariness) it's because of the work he's done in you that you're able to serve him in this way, in this season.

    May he bless you with time that s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-s to allow not only tasks to be done, but rest as well.

    Blessings, my friend.

  3. this is just the encouragement I needed today, Glynis

  4. ... recharging me moment by moment, and trusting His timing. I needed that today. Thanks Glynis!

  5. Your positive, cheerful voice is contagious, Glynis! I hope your cabin getaway dream will materialize this year!

  6. Thanks Glynis, This also was what I needed to hear today. The Habakkuk verse was right on. Agreed that God's timing is better than ours, but can be challenging in the moment.

  7. How wonderful that you can praise and thank God in the midst of interruptions and demands on your time. I pray that God will bless the good things that you do, and that he will also bless the moments in between.

    May we all, Be still and know that he is our God.

  8. Yes, more hours in the day would be good. It sounds like you're in a good place in just trusting God and His timing for you and your writing. A good reminder for me. Thanks.


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