February 20, 2015

Looking into Sky by Joylene M. Bailey

I have never heard the term Artist’s Dates before.  I don’t have a “regular system” for becoming recharged for writing.  I think I need to get a regular system for writing before I get a regular system for becoming recharged for writing.

But I do know what recharges me and sparks my creativity. 

We moved to the big city almost 8 years ago.  Before that we lived in the country.  All I had to do was look out any window to be recharged.  A short walk to the burning barrel refreshed me because I was outside, listening to the trees whisper and the horses run home.  Deep breaths came easy then.

More than anything, what refreshes me is the sky.  Wide blue sea or swollen clouds, heavy grey snow sky, wind whipped mare’s tails, or starry expanse, the ever changing sky is my inspiration.  Always.

In the country I could see the sky from any window in my house.  Then we moved to the city where I had to walk to the middle of my cul-de-sac to see the sky.  But one day, when we were in the midst of a 3-year-long family crisis and my writing had taken a back seat, I did that. 

I don’t know exactly how it happened but, as I stood there smack dab in the centre of the cul-de-sac, breathing deeply and looking up into the sky, inspiration came.  She just showed up, like a child approaching with a smile.  I welcomed her and she started to tell me her story, and then I went into the house and wrote it down - the first chapter of my novel.

The sky does that for me, and it never disappoints. 


  1. I love the way you say this..."'She just showed up, like a child approaching with a smile. I welcomed her and she started to tell me her story, and then I went into the house and wrote it down". You have inspired me to look to the sky when I am looking for words. Beautiful writing Joy!

  2. You have totally refreshed me this morning, Joy - first with the beautiful, soft composition of the words you've chosen, their structure and design; second with the content. God meets us where he chooses (even a cul de sac), and when he chooses!

    You've been my morning's Artist's Date, Joy. Thank you!

  3. You have totally refreshed me this morning, Joy - first with the beautiful, soft composition of the words you've chosen, their structure and design; second with the content. God meets us where he chooses (even a cul de sac), and when he chooses!

    You've been my morning's Artist's Date, Joy. Thank you!

  4. Your vivid descriptions of the sky and the way you so whimsically personified it are just... inspiring! This really connected with me. As a person who grew up on the prairies, I 'get' the feelings of awe and inspiration that the wide expanse of the sky can bring.

  5. Joy--you make me want to go out into the street and stare at the sky. Unfortunately, all I see today is a gray nondescript blanket. However, your post has been my morning inspiration. I too love the way you personify the clouds in all their shapes and form. Beautiful. Thanks.

  6. Your description of the sky, and your wonderful photographs, have made "deep breaths come easy" today. Beautiful!

  7. Thanks, Jolene. I too am a sky enthusiast for all skies, but especially sunrises and sunsets. Looking at the sky, "How Great Thou Art" often rises in my throat. My husband appreciates the sky in a quieter way, so I think he sometimes tires of my oohs and aahs and stopping for photos of skyscapes.

  8. Your story of that wonderful divine inspiration is a reminder of how near God is to us all the time. Beautiful pictures, too, Joylene!


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