May 05, 2014

InScribers Review: Wounded by God's People



Book Review by Ruth Sakstad

Wounded by God's People
By Anne Graham Lotz
Zondervan Trade Books, 2013

Imagine you are sitting in church and it is announced from the pulpit that three-quarters of the congregation no longer wants you to be involved in any leadership positions anymore. You are not the pastor, just a layperson. You have not been involved in anything illegal or immoral. Your crime: believing, living by and teaching the Bible as the inerrant, inspired, authoritative Word of God.

This is not some fictional exercise. It actually happened to Anne Graham Lotz and her husband Danny. Needless to say they left the church as hurt and wounded people. Fortunately, because of God’s love and healing they would eventually come to a point where they were able to move on and forgive.

In her book Wounded by God’s People, Lotz uses the Biblical story of Hagar, Abraham and Sarah to discuss how often we Christians knowingly or unknowingly hurt, wound or neglect others by our words, actions or inactions. This is not just a story about hurt, it is also a story about healing and God’s love.

Hagar was one wounded lady. Twice thrown out of the camp like the garbage by Abraham and Sarah, God had a plan for Hagar and He loved her. God not only showed Hagar His plan, He also showed her His love.

If you been wounded by God’s people, and who hasn’t, then this book can help you find the healing only God’s love can provide. Think about the hurt you have felt when that rejection letter arrives or you never hear back about that manuscript you submitted. God can heal you. Have you questioned your faith or your writing abilities because of that rejection? God knows and cares. Go to Him today, cry out to Him. He sees and understands. He wants to come along side and comfort you. He wants to whisper in your ear that He loves you and He wants to heal you.

I hope you will find Lotz’s book helpful and healing whether you are the one wounded or the one who has done the wounding. I certainly did.


  1. Ruth,

    I enjoyed reading your review of this book by Anne Graham Lotz. Your lead-in sentence certainly had me hooked to read more.

    What a reminder for me to keep allowing His love to be poured into my own heart so that only words filled with love will pour back out to others. (And I haven't even read the book yet!)

    Thanks so much, Ruth, for this great review.


  2. This sounds like a book that we can all relate to at some point in our lives. Thanks for sharing, Ruth.

  3. Unfortunately, Christians are often harder on other believers than on 'the world'.

  4. If Billy Graham's daughter was wounded by the church, it's a sure-fire bet everyone else has been (or will be) at some point in their lives. Sounds like a book we could all read and benefit from.


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