June 15, 2012

Who Are You Writing For Anyway? Tracy Krauss

We are told to write with our audience in mind. The more specific we can be in our our minds about who that audience is, the better our chances of reaching them - or so we're told. In today's publishing world where marketing is KING, this makes sense.

But what about that more important audience. The audience of ONE. (And I don't mean 'oneself'.) We are admonished in the Word to do all things for the glory of God... to do everything knowing that HE is the ultimate critic.

It's a sobering thought, whether you write fiction, devotionals, poetry, or articles for the local paper. It's a question I ask myself every time I re-read something I've written. Will God be pleased with my efforts? In the end, this is the only question that matters. He's the real King, after all.


  1. Amen! It's so easy to get pulled into the marketing. Great post. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Hi Jessie. Nice to see you here at Inscribe

  3. You're right - that's all that matters. I should blow that up and post it by my computer to keep my focus!

    Pam M.

  4. This is a confirmation from the lord,this morning I have been praying about my writing ministry,the Lord inspired me saying even if it is for one ordieance write it for our concern should be the glory of God ,thanks for your words


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