January 03, 2012

Losing Hope for our own Solutions - Janis Cox

Have you ever felt that the path you were on suddenly got muddy, then almost like quick sand and finally came to an end? This past month that has been my journey. I had walked along this beautiful tree-lined sunny street; clouds appeared on the horizon and a big storm came rolling in.

I couldn’t see any path; my feet kept sliding off from one side to the other. Instead of stopping to get my bearings, I groped along in the dark. I bumped into trees, and fell down. I crawled with very little energy barely able to make any progress.

Then a LIGHT shone through and I focused on it. Slowly I got to my feet and let the LIGHT lead me gently and firmly in the way It wanted to go.

This is an analogy of my spiritual journey this past month. On the outside I looked the same but inside I was in turmoil. World circumstances had thrown me off my regular spiritual “routine” and I floundered. I followed my emotions and my flesh. I became stressed.

Even though I prayed and asked for prayer I couldn’t find the peace that I craved. I kept praying and did not stop. A glimmer of Light appeared as I remembered to thank God in all circumstances. I started to take little moments to rest in Him.

I felt the peace of the prayers of friends. I started to live in each moment.

Then a pastor friend reminded me of the people of Israel who had to work for many years with no change in their circumstances. But God was grooming them to move forward and to learn to trust in Him for the solutions.

Ah ha – that is what God is doing. Teaching me to trust when I cannot see the answer. Teaching me to give over my solutions and trust in His. Ah ha – that is what God is doing. Teaching me to trust when I cannot see the answer.

May we all be able to follow His Light this year through whatever the world throws at us. May we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. (Hebrews 12:2).

Happy New Year to everyone.


Father, thank You for leading me through these times. I know now they are making me stronger and more obedient to Your voice. Continue to lead me and guide me and I will try to follow. In Jesus’ name. AMEN.

I love this song King of Kings - Prince of Peace.

I particularly love these words:

You are holy (you are holy)
You are mighty (you are mighty)
You are worthy (you are worthy)
Worthy of praise (worthy of praise)
I will follow (I will follow)
I will listen (I will listen)
I will love you (I will love You)
All of my days (all of my days)


  1. Thanks for this lovely prayer of hope and the reminder that 'HE' is only a prayer away ...

  2. Anonymous9:06 pm GMT-7


    You are welcome. I have to reread what I write often - constantly reminding myself that He is there always and forever.


  3. Thank you Jan for your blog and the song -King of kings-Prince of peace you provided. You made me to stop and worship the Lord then and there as the song kept on playing. Keep up your good work!

  4. Oh how wise your pastor was to share the words about waiting on God. I understand so much of what you share here. But that patient waiting is what brings sweet reward. Faith - how beautiful and useful...thanks, Jan, for this thoughtful post.


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