September 15, 2011

Tracy Krauss - Words of Refreshment

Inscribe's conference is just around the corner and the theme this year is 'Words Descending Like Dew'. When I thought about this theme the thing that immediately came to mind was a wonderful devotional book for writers that I have been reading called ABUNDANT RAIN. This little gem was written by our own Marcia Laycock. I have been so blessed as I've been reading it that I want to encourage the rest of you to do the same. Marcia is a gifted writer, a selfless worker, and a loving and caring individual - and if you don't know her personally you'll find all of these things shining through loud and clear through her writing!

I know this is a bit of a departure from my usual posts, but I can't think of a better way to speak on the topic than to point you to Marcia's book. I"m sure it's available at lots of online sites, but I've included the smashwords link here. Or, you might want to wait and pick up a copy at the conference. Either way, don't miss out on these words of  refreshment.


  1. I feel refreshed just thinking about it!

    Thanks Tracy for the reminder of the great authors to be gleaning from right here in our midst!

  2. This book is a real gem.


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