September 06, 2011

If God is Dead Then Who Did I Speak to this Morning?

by Glynis M. Belec

I needed a snappy synopsis for the brochure that would appeal. How could I sum up and relay exactly the right words? It would be a great dramatic time and a superb party for children and youth, not to mention an amazingly cool way to present stories from the Bible. I needed to find a way to draw the young folk in and get involved. So I played around with words and phrases and eventually I had it.

"Looking for some excitement? Maybe you need a place to just hang out and talk about stuff. If you are looking for some good, clean dramatic fun with a focus on the One who made it all possible, then come on out to our drama club 'getting to know you' party and bring a friend. Step inside the curtain and learn through drama, mime and recitation how to make scripture come alive in unique ways."

There, I had it - the perfect hook.

I was pleased with what I had prepared for the church bulletin. The kids would love it. Yes, I was going to do my best with these young people. My passion was to help stir young hearts for Jesus and I was ready. I was going to do my part to promote Christian drama as a way of making scripture come alive.

I read my blurb over and over. It sounded good and appealing to young people initially. Yet something gnawed. The grammar seemed appropriate. It was written at a level and language that would appeal to the younger age groups. What was it that wasn't ringing true? I read the words again. My stomach churned as if I was on a roller coaster. There it was. The last sentence - my part to promote Christian drama as a way of making scripture come alive. What was I saying? My words implied (although not intentionally) that God's Word was dead. Scripture was not the living, breathing Word of God and I in all my wisdom and talent was going to do my best to resuscitate it.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God[may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

I am grateful that God prodded me and made me realize that I do not need to perform any sort of life- saving procedure on scripture. That is His job. My job is to seek opportunities and ways to share the good news. I can do that...

I made the necessary changes to my newsletter submission and clicked send.


  1. Great insight. Thank you for sharing it and alerting us not to go in that way.

  2. Glynis, this is awesome. I love your reminder that we don't need to perform life-saving procedures on God's word, but just need opportunities to share it. This is just what the doctor ordered. And I admire your ambition to fire up a group of youths! God bless your sharing!

  3. I think most people say things like this without even realizing just what they are saying.

  4. This is one of those "ouch" moments. It's true–we say the words without realizing what we are implying when we say them.

    The Word of God is living–it's the dead who don't realize it.

  5. Wow! Great title and a wonderful reminder that God's Word is the LIVING Word! Thank you.

  6. WOW... it's so important to listen to the niggle inside. Loved the reminder that He gave you, and you passed along to us.

    His Word is alive.........


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