September 03, 2011

Get into the Habit - by Janis Cox

Am I a pray-er? Really?

I talk about it, read about it, and even write about it at Under the Cover of Prayer. But, the truth is I know I could do better.

In my morning time devotionals I try to start with a prayer list. I am on the online prayer team for The Word Guild and at the top of that weekly printed list I write the names of personal friends and family who need specific prayers that week. And then I do pray each morning.
Oswald Chambers on August 23rd says that, “Prayer is an effort of will.”

And I have an inkling of what he means. I need to take time – to put myself away from everything. Oswald calls what we need to shut away “mind wanderings”. And he says to “get into the habit of dealing with God about everything.”

There have been times I have worked hard at this. I will admit it is in times of stress, decision-making or illness. It is then that I pour out my heart to God.

Can I do this more often? Even when things are going well?

The other day I decided to try to listen to God on my drive to Orillia to visit my Mom. For over an hour I would ask a question, then, other than watching the road, the cars and the forests, I listened for an answer. An amazing thing happened. Ideas started to flow. I wished I had brought a tape recorder (I certainly couldn’t write down all that He was saying to me and drive).

Now I need to do this type of prayer at home – in the quiet – “shut thy door. A secret silence mean to shut the door deliberately on emotions and remember God.” Also I think that means to shut out our ideas, thoughts, and to-do’s.

I am going to try this – this week. Will you join me?

And maybe as Oswald says: “Every public thing will be stamped with the presence of God.”


  1. Great thoughts. I'll admit I struggle with distraction and sometimes have a difficult time staying focused during my prayer time. Then there are those precious times when I stay focused and "come out from my prayer closet" more energized and revived than ever. Unfortunately, those times seem few and far between lately. Thanks for prompting me to re-evaluate my quiet time and strive to put aside my stresses and distractions for my Savior. He deserves nothing less than my complete attention.

  2. Thanks for affirming that it is not just my struggle. I, too, have had wonderful focussed prayer times. But, life gets in the way - lol:) I need to purposefully make the time and stick to it.

  3. Love the Oswald quote, Jan! Thanks for your much needed reminder to bring everything to Him.

    Dee :)

  4. Anonymous3:53 pm GMT-7

    You are welcome. We all need reminding - me too.

  5. I'm sure we could all use this admonition, Jan. Thanks

  6. Prayer is the pathway to heaven and the link to the Lord...if only I could/would focus and get that into my fat head! Thanks for the reminder and the challenge Miss Jan!


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