June 04, 2024

R is for Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ~ by Brenda J. Wood

 R is for Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 

Reduce the mess in your office. 

Eliminate chaos sublime.

Throw out unpaid bills and memos,

Especially if they don’t rhyme.

Reuse the articles from last year.

Rename and send them once more. 

Publishers might like your story 

Especially if they didn’t read it before.

Recycle those childhood stories

Painful as they might be

Rewrite and manage the outcome

Rewrite and just wait and see.

Rewording is not a no-no.

Whatever sells, says I

Our words all have treasure no matter

They all merit in the sweet bye and bye.

So, reduce, reuse and recycle.

You can, I know it’s all there.

Just be sure it’s not in the chaos

You threw out when cleaning to bare.

Remember how badly you sweated

Staining that last paragraph

And treasure it till it’ is vetted

And to its write value restored.

And remember who told you to do this.

Applaud. Start now if you like

Meanwhile, I will bask in such bliss!

Brenda J. Wood has authored more than fifty books. She is a seasoned motivational speaker, who declares the Word of God with wisdom, humour, and common sense.


  1. Thank you once again, dear Brenda, for inspiring us and making us smile.

  2. Ha! Very clever, Brenda! Your poem made me smile!

  3. A lovely poem with sage advice!! Thank you, Brenda!

  4. Brenda, I think you must have had fun writing this poem - I read it with a smile on my face. Thank you!


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