June 20, 2024

Remembrance of Writers by Alan Anderson


A few of my favourite poet/writers:

John O’Donohue (1 January 1956–4 January 2008)

Sylvia Plath ( October 27, 1932 – February 11, 1963

Rainer Maria Rilke (4 December 1875 – 29 December 1926).

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson (December 10, 1830 – May 15, 1886).


Special Remembrances


There are times throughout the year where we remember people and times that matter. I imagine certain days come to your mind, such as the birthday of your parents, spouse, children, and best friends. There are other special days we may hold dear, like Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Remembrance Day, and the like.


Perhaps there are writers you look on with great remembrance. These are writers whom although passed from this world, still speak, their words full of life. I pray this simple message encourages you to remember your favorite writers.


I can’t go into detail about each of the aforementioned writers, but please allow a few thoughts to summarize why I hold them in remembrance.

Passionate Writers

Poems from Emily Dickinson hold my hand as I read them. There are times her poetry also kisses my soul as I reflect on them and soak in her expressive words. Even though most of her poetry was published after her death, readers still benefit from her words.


I regard Sylvia Plath as a favourite writer because I am interested in her as a person. Sylvia had her first published poem when she was nine years old. In her earlier poetry, she wrote about nature. Her later themes of mental illness and relationships in her poetry give evidence of a broken soul. She took her own life in 1963 when only thirty and her poetry touches me even today.


Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke affects me like no other poet. I can’t explain this enough, but the way he writes enraptures my ears and eyes, then settles deep within.


John O Donohue and I would have been buddies if we had met. Perhaps my Celtic background caused me to sense him as a kindred spirit. I can imagine John and I sitting in an Irish pub enjoying fish and chips with a beer on the side. We would chat about the beauty and spirit of poetry.


Writers who love their words share them with the world. They have a way with words like a passionate chef who wants to feed all those he meets.


Remembrance of Legacies

The names of famous writers I mentioned at the beginning of this post left legacies. They live on in the sense we still love their words. Years after their deaths, we recite their poetry or read their stories and novels. Their legacies indicate who they were as people. Their words are like offspring eager to please the authors and bless the world.


Write and Keep Writing


Reading words of writers I remember encourages me to keep writing. Reading about their lives reminds me God can use even me, a broken vessel, to offer words of hope through my trembling pen.


Dear writer sisters and brothers, keep writing. Allow pen and paper to be constant companions of your soul. You see, as you write your next short story, novel, play, poem, blog post, or essay, you are adding to your legacy.


Please realize as you remember writers you admire and love, God loves your words. He has given you and me a passion for words. When we write, we express the longing of our souls.


Bless our words, O Lord,

as they make their way into the world.

Help them touch hearts,

Heal minds,

Blanket souls in love eternal.

Allow our words, O Lord,

To speak long after we have gone to our blessed hope.

May they live as seeds of your love.



Alan lives in a small village called Deroche, British Columbia, with his wife, Terry, and their poodle, Charlie. He enjoys walking on the dike near his home, where he finds inspiration for his writing. He occasionally writes articles for FellowScript Magazine and is a regular contributor to the InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship blog. His website, https://scarredjoy.ca, is under construction


  1. Alan, I LOVED your post. I loved the words you chose to describe the poets who speak into your life (O'Donohue, Rilke, Dickinson are definite favourites for me too - I need to search out Plath). This line speaks to me this morning for I feel the same way: "Reading words of writers I remember encourages me to keep writing." Thank you!

    1. Dear Brenda, each of the poets I mentioned speaks to me. They all have wonderful ways with words. Sylvia Plath was a sad soul. I don't know what relationship she had with God, but I still find meaning in her poetry, even if bittersweet with a mix of despair.

  2. Dear Alan, you have stirred a curiosity in me re:Sylvia Plath. I don't believe I have read anything of hers. Now I want to.

    I love, love, love your prayer for writers and the following words as well: "Writers who love their words share them with the world. They have a way with words like a passionate chef who wants to feed all those he meets."

    Blessings to you for meeting our writerly needs this morning.

    1. Hello my friend. Sylvia had not only a brief life, but one mixed with joy and despair. I wish she had friends like InScribers who could have encouraged her. Each of the writers I noted influence me in some way. Like great chefs, they continue to feed us.

  3. Thanks for this post Alan!

    1. Blessings to you and your family, Tracy.

  4. What a wonderful tribute to the poets and writers that have meant so much to you in so many ways. It was an inspiration to read.

    1. I appreciate your comments. Sandi. I'm glad we can inspire each other as InScribers.

  5. Thanks for sharing those authors who inspire you in many ways , Alan. May they inspire our hearts and words as well. What a wonderful post, my friend.


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