June 11, 2024

Run with the Bison by Joylene M Bailey


Between stimulus and response is our greatest power - the freedom to choose.

- Stephen Covey -

At the time of this posting it will be exactly two weeks since our 10-year-old grandson was rushed into emergency brain surgery. A CT scan showed that what they had been treating as a migraine was actually a 3 X 5 cm abscess in his brain caused by severe sinusitis.

Needless to say, it's been a shocking and traumatic time for our family, not to mention the courage it has required from our grandson.

During his recovery, he and his mom have been talking about the difference between cows and bison. When a storm is coming, cows will turn away from the storm and run. The storm will eventually overtake them, and they'll be in the storm for longer because they're running with it. Bison, however, will turn towards an oncoming storm and run into it. They still go through the storm, but their time within it is much shorter.

This is such a great picture of courage, and I've been thinking about it a lot as I go through these days. It's a good anecdote to remember for all aspects of life, whenever we are facing difficult circumstances.

I wonder if you might be facing a writing challenge, or even something God has been nudging you to write that you'd prefer to run away from. It's too hard, possibly it's a controversial or unpopular topic, or something else that requires a lot of courage.

Take a moment to consider your response. Do you want to be a cow or a bison? I encourage you to turn towards this challenge, and even to run into it. If God brought it to you, He'll give you the courage of a bison.


Feature photo by Unsplash

In this photo our grandson, Deklan, is holding a stuffed bison his mom found in the hospital gift shop. He named it Courage. If you think of it, please pray for his recovery. Through many prayers and the grace of God, he's come a long way, but he still has a long way to go. 


  1. What a vivid picture on how we can face our challenges and storms. I shall be keeping the bison image in my mind's eye for those challenging times. Wise creatures. (We love seeing the bison when we visit Elk Island National Park). And I'm sending heart hugs and prayers to you, dear Joy, on behalf of your dear grandson and all your family, as he faces his own health storms at such a young age.

    Thanks for an inspiring post!

    1. Brenda, thank you for the heart hugs and prayers. Much needed! Much appreciated!

  2. May God abundantly bless Deklan's recovery.
    Thank you for sharing about the bison. This is new to me and gave me goosebumps as I read it. And I love this quote of yours: "If God brought you it to you, He'll give you the courage of a bison."
    Blessings to you too, dear Joy. Grandchildren are precious, so I know this must be hard on your heart too.

    1. Yes, it's been a difficult time. We've actually been looking after Deklan's twin brothers - age 7 - during this time, and it's wonderful to be around the practicality of a child. They take it all in stride. Thanks, Wendy.

  3. This is an amazing analogy, Joy, and one I had not heard before. Thank you for sharing it. I've been following Deklan's journey on Instagram and have been praying...

  4. Such a good truth for us all. Thank you so much, Brenda Wood.

  5. Dear Joy, you your family are in my heart. Sometimes certain messages are such that I know I will never forget. Images of bison, cows, and storms are now in my mind. I also hold Deklan close and pray for his healing. As a grandfather who has endured trauma related to grandchildren, a number of times my prayers remain with you. Blessings to you, my friend. Lord have mercy.

    1. Yes, I know you carry grief regarding your grandchildren. Thank you for your heartfelt prayers, Alan.

  6. Michelle Strutzenberger3:10 pm GMT-7

    I love this so much, especially how you tie the image of being a bison versus a cow into the call to tackle a potentially difficult writing project. I am facing a hard writing assignment right now, but I am choosing to be a bison - albeit a rather timid one. However, I am trusting that the Lord is guiding me to this project, and, if that's the case, then I know He will give me just the amount of "bison" spirit I need.

  7. Thank you so much for encouraging us to run into the storms of difficult writing projects, Joy. I find these projects are easier to be left on the shelf for "a later time". But God has been nudging me to move forward. Often it's the difficult situations we face that relate most to our readers. God's blessings on you and Deklan. With others, I'm praying for him.

  8. Bob Jones7:47 pm GMT-7

    Trusting your grandson is recovering well! Run to the roar is a great strategy for success.


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