June 03, 2024

R is for Routine ~ by Wendy L. Macdonald

I fell out of my morning writing routine when I realized an old goal I was aiming for appeared unreachable. Words said to me unraveled my self-esteem as a writer and person. The words left me feeling like a misfit in a community I longed to feel safe in.  

One of my attributes is tenacity. It came to my rescue. Thankfully I didn’t pause my quiet times. I continued to write each morning in my junk journal and create a poem for each verse of the day that I chose. 

A simple routine can be a writer’s bestie.  

In the meantime, I allowed myself time to grieve and heal. Then I made new plans. Plans to prosper in whatever way God was directing me to. Something I was wondering about repeatedly bubbled to the surface. And since God seemed to be prompting me to investigate the topic, I did. My research brought me closer to answering a question I’ve had for over a decade. In a broader sense, it’s a question I’ve had since childhood.

Whatever the answer turns out to be, I’ve invited routine to be my writing bestie again so that I will be prepared for the next writing venture. I have a new target audience. It’s not kingdom people who fit in. It’s misfits of the kingdom and those who love them.

As a writer who now plans to self-publish, I don’t need to worry if my target audience is small. Nor do I need to worry if my plans won’t work in the traditional publishing world. I can write the book I wished was there for me and for people like me. I can love on the misfits with the love God has lavished on me. Routine will help me get there because it’s a bestie we can rely on.

Routines are reliable friends who help us show up so words can be downloaded from a heart that longs to meet the needs of its readers.

The simpler a routine, the better. I wrote the first draft of this blog post as my first step in stepping back into my preferred routine. My husband is at work, my cats have been tended to, and I’ve already had quiet time and breakfast. 

Now that I’ve already crafted my working title for the devotional that I’ve been saving all my unpublished poetry for (A Messiah for the Misfits), I’m invested. My routine of sharing a poem once a week on my Facebook page has acquired a following who appreciate them. I’ve learned what blesses my target audience the most. (Let’s not underestimate the helpful lessons we learn through engagement on social media.)  And my quiet time routine of choosing a Bible verse of the day and writing a poem to go with it has granted me a lengthy list to work with. 

A simple routine girded with faith is a firm foundation for godly grace.

Great works start with a humble routine.

What simple step could you take to help routine be your writing bestie? 


We're the Messiah's misfits. You might be sure of yourselves, but we live in the midst of frailties and uncertainties. You might be well-thought-of by others, but we're mostly kicked around.

1 Corinthians 4:10 MSG

Wendy L. Macdonald is an inspirational blogger and YouTuber who loves photographing nature on Vancouver Island. Her happy place is making junk journals to sell in her Etsy shop. Her byline is: “My faith is not shallow because I’ve been rescued from the deep.”

P.S. God’s orderliness is clearly seen in creation. He understands our need for the steady hand of a reasonably predictable routine. God is also the God of miracles. Sometimes the unexpected upheavals that happen in our lives and routines are necessary roads to a deeper relationship with Christ. 


  1. I love, Love , LOVE this Wendy! Routine is vitally important for me as well, and I must admit, this year I have been ousted out of my routine because of various circumstances, notably, my husband being "underfoot" due to a short term disability. While I love him dearly, and have enjoyed spending more time together, it has wreaked havoc with my routines. Sometimes I feel disgruntled and impatient because my life has been disrupted. However, I must trust that God is in control of this as well...
    I also love the title of your book. It is very catchy. All the best as you move forward in this project.

    1. Thank you, dear Tracy. Oh my yes, it's tricky to write when a loved one is about. I can only do this if I get up earlier. But the snooze button is often a huge temptation for me.

  2. You have so many good thoughts here, Wendy! A treasure to ponder. What caught my attention was your concept of orderliness: "God’s orderliness is clearly seen in creation." He has been working in different areas to clean up clutter and create order, both in my house and in my yard. I'm often reminded these days of 1 Corinthians 14:: " God is not a God of disorder but of peace." Orderliness does bring peace.

    1. Amen to "Orderliness does bring peace." It also reveals treasures. My reward for tidying up my craft stuff is that I found wonderful things I forgot I had. Bonus. Now I need to do this with my Word files. :)

  3. How 'fortuitous' that you fell out of your morning writing routine for a season. From it, He has brought you to this new place with new plans, a new focus. And I love your new poetry book title, Wendy. Blessings as you move forward.

    1. Thank you & blessings, dear Brenda. The desert road may not be a straight one, but God knows the way that works best for us.

  4. Dear Wendy, you had me at "misfits." I definitely see routine as a bestie along with focus. Focus is one of my pals. The past couple of years have been rough for me and routine took a beating. Focus has always been there, along with your aforementioned tenacity. Routine has now wrapped her arms around me once again. I hope now to send my words out into our world of misfits, making sense of their world. I hope you and I will meet each other along our misfit way. A Messiah for the Misfits is something I am eagerly anticipating as well. Blessings, my dear friend!

    1. Thank you, dear Alan. Amen to focus being a writer's pal too. When we find out what our writing passion is and how it can be used to meet the needs of our audience, our focus is fine-tuned by God's hand on our willing hearts.

  5. Michelle Strutzenberger6:17 pm GMT-7

    I also love this, Wendy. It's full of wisdom that resonates with me. Coincidentally, this very week I have to be "off" my routine because of a loved one's presence as well. I'm praying about how to still complete my work without the help of my regular routine. I'm also so inspired by your choice to write the book you have wished was there for you and for people like you. Such courage gives me courage. Blessings.

    1. Thank you, dear Michelle. One good thing about a break in our routine is it can ward off burnout. May God bless your writing time with renewed vigor once your regular routine is restored. We're so loved by the One who gave us the gift and desire to write. Blessings.

  6. Heidi Richardson11:41 am GMT-7

    How interesting… I’ve always been a misfit. I didn’t fit with the secular world and quite often not with the church world either! My bestie right now is my zoom progress pod with 8 other writers. We keep each other motivated. Thanks for the wise words!

    1. Thank you & blessings, dear Heidi. It sure does help to have accountability partners.


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