May 05, 2024

Q is for Qualified by Susan Barclay



Right now, I don’t feel qualified

Qualified to write, yes

But unqualified for the place

You seem to be leading me

Out of my comfort zone


I sense a calling on my life

A calling out of solitary ways

A possibly public calling

One I’m not equipped for

Where You need to show up


It’s been said: God doesn’t call the qualified

He qualifies the called

He uses ordinary people, broken people

People just like me

And people just like you


I have to remind myself - you, too?

Moses felt inadequate

Gideon felt inadequate

Peter – brash as he was – felt inadequate

And God still used them, mightily


God invites us into His work

We can say no, resist, run away like Jonah

But I’d rather not find myself in the sea

Or in the belly of the whale

Better to say yes and trust


Trust God to show up

Trust God to equip

Trust God to qualify

To lead by a cloud or pillar of fire

To give me a voice and courage


Trust that God has a plan

That God has a purpose

That He is sovereign and good

That He will make me useful

And use me


Thank You, God, for Your wisdom

For Your Word and Your words

Thank You for ability as I yield myself to You

And that You qualify

Those whom You call


Where You lead, let me follow


c. Susan Barclay, 2024



  1. This is wonderful, dear Susan. I suspect I'm not the only writer who needed to read this today. Thank you & blessings.

    1. As is often the case, this was Holy Spirit-led. Thank you, Wendy!

  2. Good thoughts!

  3. Hi Susan! Your poem gave me cause to pause. I am happy you are a friend of poetry. I love the following verse:
    Trust God to show up
    Trust God to equip
    Trust God to qualify
    To lead by a cloud or pillar of fire.
    To give me a voice and courage

    1. I'm happy you're a friend of poetry, too, Alan! You always encourage me with your kind feedback :)

  4. Thanks for this awesome poem and the deep thoughts within.

  5. Michelle Strutzenberger2:10 pm GMT-7

    Yes! Amen! You express a vital truth so clearly and engagingly. I needed this reminder today. Thank you. Blessings.

    1. I'm happy this spoke to you, Michelle. Thank you for reading!

  6. Lovely poem, Susan! This stanza was particularly meaningful to me:
    Thank You, God, for Your wisdom
    For Your Word and Your words
    Thank You for ability as I yield myself to You
    And that You qualify
    Those whom You call

  7. Hi Susan. May you be blessed and encouraged as God leads you beyond your comfort zone. May your nervous excitement be transformed into ‘Godfident’ peace as you move forward. What a wonderful post!

    1. Thank you for your encouragement and blessing, Sharon. I like that word 'Godfident'! It's not one I've heard before!!

  8. You've fashioned something quite lovely from the quirky letter "Q". Thank you, Susan.

  9. Bob Jones8:00 pm GMT-7

    Love your poetry, Susan. A welcome change of prose and a point well made - "better to say Yes and trust."


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