May 16, 2024

Qualities of a Successful Productive Writer by Sandi Somers

Often writers are guided in developing good habits, but this time I’m focusing on the qualities of writers themselves. 

Become quiet before the Lord and listen is our first priority. “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10), is a theme that’s been on my mind lately. Often my thoughts are busy with projects on my to-do list. But God drew my attention to take time every day to shut the door to all that clamours and listen to how He speaks with tenderness, graciousness, and power. 

I was reminded of A.B. Simpson’s wise words: 

As I listened, it became to me the voice of prayer, the voice of wisdom, the voice of duty, and I did not need to think so hard, or pray so hard, or trust so hard; but that ‘still small voice’ of the Holy spirit…was God’s prayer…was God’s answer to all my questions, was God’s life and was the living GOD Himself as my life, my all.[i] 

Dare to trust God. He often calls us to tasks that are beyond our ability. Know that He goes ahead of you. I’m reminded of what God said to timid Gideon, “Go in the strength you have…Am I not sending you?” (Judges 6:14). As we go in His power, He strengthens us step by step. 

Face your excuses. We’ve all sabotaged ourselves. We’ve procrastinated, succumbed to feelings of inadequacy. We've been afraid that our writing isn’t any good. Or we suddenly realize that the laundry needs attention. Bring your excuses out into the open, be honest, confess, and ask God to help you overcome what’s holding you back.    

Invest in yourself. Staying healthy maintains our stamina and inspiration. Walking helps us think through a writing issue. At times we need to take a big breakaway from a sea of words. Nancy Rue, one of our former Fall Conference speakers, takes two weeks off after finishing a book to relax, rest her mind, and go for long walks before she tackles the next book.  Follow the rhythms of life, and you’ll become refreshed in body, mind, and spirit.  

Persevere. My niece once gave me a fridge magnet with the message: “When the going gets tough, the tough keep going.” Like the turtle that won the race, persevere especially when the going gets tough. The writer of Hebrews advised us to run the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, who initiates and perfects our faith (12:1-2). Even if your drafts end up in the recycling bin, you’ll have gained experience and expertise for the next attempt. In persevering, you may discover a new wellspring of creativity and decisiveness in yourself, and you’ll submit more of your work for publication. 

…and finally, give God the honour and glory He deserves. It’s not just for ourselves that we write. God has placed in us the dreams, abilities, and ideas that will be part of His story to meet the needs of the world around us and beyond. Let the Lord shine through to your readers, to inspire them with His limitless power to transform.

Image by Pivotal Moments

[i] A.B. Simpson, In Mrs. Chas. E. Cowman, Streams in the Desert, (Los Angeles, CA: Cowman Publishing Co., 1925, 1950) June 30.   


  1. Thank you, dear Sandi, for sharing these encouraging words with us. So much wisdom here.

    I especially love:

    "He speaks with tenderness, graciousness, and power."

    "God has placed in us the dreams, abilities, and ideas that will be part of His story to meet the needs of the world around us and beyond."

    May God be glorified as we meet the needs of readers by His grace and power.

    1. Thank you, Wendy, for your encouraging comments. And for your faithful work each day as you post on FB with thoughtful questions and comments.

  2. Thank you Sandi for this wonderful list .

    1. Thanks Tracy, for stopping by. I can always count on you for comments shortly after our blogs have been posted. You've been tremendously faithful in our blog!!

  3. What a wonderful list, Sandi. Love those lines by A.B. Simpson. Thank you!

    1. Thanks for commenting, Brenda. That quote by AB Simpson has been a special message to me.

  4. I confess. I am a fan of lists it organizes my thoughts and helps me think straight. This is a great list. Thank you Brenda Wood.

    1. Thanks, Brenda. Sometimes lists make your points clearer.

  5. I appreciate your words here so much, Sandi. An insightful list for writers to mull over. I love this point, "But God drew my attention to take time every day to shut the door to all that clamours and listen to how He speaks with tenderness, graciousness, and power." I love the thought of closing the door to clamours.

    1. Thanks, Alan. For sure we need to sometimes close our minds to all the noise, both inside us and outside.

  6. Wonderful words, Sandi. Sound advice and to God be the Glory indeed. Thank you.

  7. Your words are full of practical and inspirational advice, Sandi. When we write to honour God, so much pressure disappears. He is our audience, and He will use our words as He sees fit. Thank you.

    1. Thank you, Lorrie! Your words are so, so true!


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