May 28, 2024

Quiet with my soul by Mary Folkerts


I cannot be quiet

with my soul 

when resentment is there

when anger bubbles 

too close to the surface 

when hurts are harboured 

like decaying skeletons

who wants to sit quiet 

with that? 

I cannot be quiet with 

my soul 

when jealousy and comparison 

play their little games 

with my mind 

when contentment 

is absent and my prayers

read like shopping lists.

When all I have pondered 

in my heart 

are the things I have not

how can I come 

and quiet myself

before a God who has given 

His all 

and I, with this discontented


I cannot be quiet with 

my soul 

when the stillness is too loud

reminding me of what 

I’ve left undone,

the things I need to mend

the gentle persistent 

calling back I’ve tried

to ignore. 

But in the quiet is where 

peace is found. 

It’s where the compassionate 

Physician brings healing.


searching and restoring 

my contrary heart. 

He doesn’t demand I come 

in a manner worthy 

of Him,

but promises I will not

leave unchanged 

having been 

in His presence. 

I wonder if the times we least want to be quiet and alone with our souls and God are the times we most need it?  

Mary Folkerts is mom to four kids and wife to a farmer, living on the southern prairies of Alberta, where the skies are large and the sunsets stunning. She is a Proverbs 31 ministries COMPEL Writers Training member and is involved in church ministries and music. Mary’s personal blog aims to encourage and inspire women and advocate for those with Down Syndrome, as their youngest child introduced them to this extraordinary new world. For more inspiration, check out Joy in the small things  or connect on Instagram 



  1. Beautiful poem, dear Mary. And amen. It's a lovely and poignant offering that points us to the hope waiting for us in His Presence.

  2. Thank you. I could feel the passion in your poem.

    1. Thanks Tracy! God is good to always hear us no matter how we come to him!💞

  3. Dear Mary, thank for this lovely flowing poem. You might have noticed "quietness" has been a theme of a few of us this month. You are a poet indeed. Quietness is such a need for us these days.

    1. Thank you for saying so Alan! Yes I think we all long for the calm quietness God brings!

  4. What a beautiful poem, Mary. These lines stopped me, "I cannot be quiet with / my soul / when the stillness is too loud". Oh yes. In response to your question at the end, I would agree those are the times we most need His presence and the restoration that comes from being with Him. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for reading Brenda! Yes I believe it’s those days that we would rather hide or are questioning and angry that we most need to know Gods quiet mercy and grace💞

  5. Michelle Strutzenberger5:01 pm GMT-7

    This poem is gentle and deep with meaning. It gives me quiet and peace, especially as I read the last lines:
    He doesn’t demand I come
    in a manner worthy
    of Him,
    but promises I will not
    leave unchanged
    having been
    in His presence.
    Yes, amen.

  6. Thank you Michelle! Yes how amazing grace doesn’t depend on our worthiness!!💞


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